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  1. F

    Problem with ballast, already replaced ignitor

    Anyone know if I can just use cheaper capacitors meant for the 1000w sodiums?
  2. F

    Problem with ballast, already replaced ignitor

    OK, i just moved the light downstairs, still nothing... damn.. I'm looking online for new caps and it seems that they are priced at $43 per.. thats $86 +shipping, the 15 I paid for the ignitor, then i am at the cost of a new ballast if i order those caps :sad:... looks like i might as...
  3. F

    Problem with ballast, already replaced ignitor

    sorry i should have mentioned, definitely not the bulb, i have a lot of extras and none of the bulbs work
  4. F

    Problem with ballast, already replaced ignitor

    So, about a week ago i noticed one of my 1000w lights was not working. It still makes its buzzing sound when plugged in but the bulb isn't igniting... so I immediately replaced the ignitor and its still not working. The caps (theres 2 small ones instead of 1 large one) look perfectly fine, i...
  5. F

    Plant reflector idea, post your thoughts please.

    Your better off painting them white then using foil. That foil is going to absorb more light then it reflects.
  6. F

    My Homemade Rasta Style Bong

    id hit it:hump:
  7. F

    2x1000w in a 5x5??

    ok, since i don't want to get into co2 just yet. I think i am going to get one of these ( its a sunpulse splitter. Its suppose to split my magnetic 1000w into 2 600s. Should fix...
  8. F

    2x1000w in a 5x5??

    This is great info, thank you! I am not currently running a co2 system, but its certainly a possibility. In your opinion, how important do you think co2 would be to this setup? I get the basics of using co2(Like you said, I need higher heat, need more light then usual etc...) but I have never...
  9. F

    2x1000w in a 5x5??

    thanks for the reply's everyone, unfortunately I have no more room for another tent. I'm thinking of going with the extra 1000w, but getting a dimmable ballast this time. I really think the added coverage will make it worthwhile! I don't expect to double my yield, just improve quality, Id be...
  10. F

    Oh no!! What happened??!

    yup, mine will droop like that if i let the soil get over dried. Should definitely recover imo!
  11. F

    2x1000w in a 5x5??

    My flowering tent is 5x5 and right now i am running 1x1000w hps in a cooltube. The problem is i like too keep my grow perpetual so i have some different sized plants in there and its hard to spread my single 1000w across the whole canopy I really think if i cram another 1000w w/ cooltube in...