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  1. D

    Is There An Afterlife?

    Why the fuck are you asking a bounch of random ass people how would they know
  2. D

    How Much Do Shrooms Cost?

    Every time i have bought mushrooms i can get a eight for 20 a half eight for 10 Ounces will probaply around 80 -120 and a half probaply like 60-90 some thing it actually depends who your buying it from perople can sell shit for how ever much they want !! ya hear
  3. D

    Who makes LSD nowadays?

    Well you have to be a chemist and im sure you cant just learn chemistry over night nore could you make lsd over night. I mean people probaply know there shit and it probaply takes a long ass time.
  4. D

    Fuck salvia.

    Yea it is a pretty gay ass herb but you should pay more attention to it because i tripped my balls off on some 10x