Search results

  1. HappyDayz

    best autoflower?

    I,ve grown Lowryder:leaf:,Lowryder#2:leaf:, LowLife:leaf:, Afgan Kush Ryder:leaf: an BlueRyder:leaf: and considering the weather here in Ireland all have turned out good,Some more than others.The 2 Lowyders werent that great,I would’ent buy them again, The Lowlife was better, Loads of...
  2. HappyDayz

    men who shave their bush

    :leaf:In my experince the ladies love the bush(for the coushining).and when did this thread become about arse licking??if you want skid marks on your tounge be my guest,but i dont think its for me,it takes all sorts to make the wourld go round.:-P
  3. HappyDayz

    Help With Estimating Yeild

    :leaf:i'd say between 4-6 oz of dried bud if all goes ok just rember dont count your chickens before there hatched:peace:
  4. HappyDayz

    opium for the masses

    id like some feedback on this one if yez feel up for it.i grow cannibis:leaf: and poppys an never taught much about it until some friends kept askin why i smoke opium(if you've ever tried it you'd know why i smoke it:bigjoint:).i taught they might justs be a bit of a pot snob but i went on line...
  5. HappyDayz

    Shrooms... are they bad for you?

    just make sure your with someone who you can trust an that has done them before,once your in a good frame of mind when you take them you should have an experience you wont soon forget,it might get a bit intence but if your with good people you'll be grand.the further away from citys or towns you...
  6. HappyDayz

    How much to sell grams of hash for?

    its only a 1/4,even if you did sell it for 10$ per gram thats still only 70$ just smoke it 70$ does'ent get you very farbongsmilie
  7. HappyDayz

    whats up?

    :leaf::leaf:whats crackin with yez,yer allowed say more than hi on this thing you know,introduce yourself's. whats up im HappyDayz from dublin.see like that.:peace: