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  1. C

    Anyone tried EZ-gro kit from Homestead?

    Did you empty the compost into the bucket or just set the bag down in the bucket?
  2. C

    Anyone tried EZ-gro kit from Homestead?

    I have a kit, the mycelium stage in the rye berries went well. It was a solid block of white in 3 weeks. It has now been 3 weeks since I put it into the compost and I am only seeing slight growth of the white stuff. It is winter here and the first 10 days or so it was probably only about 70...
  3. C

    Little white worm things in soil

    I am having issues with my plants that i wont go into, but yesterday i was flushing my soil, I had the pot in a dish drainer and as the water was draining into the sink i would let some run into a glass so i could see how clear it was, or wasnt, asi was looking at the water i saw these little...
  4. C

    My first "successful" grow

    Thanks! First of many I hope.
  5. C

    My first "successful" grow

    Due to circumstances beyond my control I had to pull the Ladies a little early. The small one was real close, wish she had been bigger. The big plant had cloudy trichomes, but the buds are airy. After the dry and the cure i ended up with about 100 grams. Not too bad for my first go at it. I...
  6. C

    6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

    I was wondering....When you harvested did you trim the buds before you hung them or did you trim them right before you started the curing?
  7. C

    i just press it with my thumb

    They look like chocolate covered caramels.. Very nice.
  8. C

    Monster bud with CFL?

    his name is BUD...
  9. C

    Monster bud with CFL?

    OHHHH the bird, LOL. Didnt mean for that one to get in there. :)
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    Monster bud with CFL?

    2700k. When I started i knew nothing about daylight and soft white, 2700k or 6500k. right now i have all 2700k.
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    Monster bud with CFL?

    I have been growing these ladies from some bagseed...
  12. C

    Stumpys AssBackwards White Widow Grow

    Very nice grow!! I am hoping mine is as nice as yours.
  13. C

    My first "successful" grow

    I took a few pics tonight before they went to bed. I am at day 55 of 12/12 and about day 50 of flowering. I took a couple of pics of some fan leaves that show what has been happening to my plant. Anyone know what it might be??? My bird, Bud. He says, "Hello"
  14. C

    6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

    my thread is on here, it is titled My First "successful" grow
  15. C

    My first "successful" grow

    I have been losing fan leaves a little at a time, the edges get a little burnt looking then they turn yellow and shrivel up and die. I also have some purple stems so I was thinking it is a magnesium deficiency so i added a small amount of epsom salt to my water today. We will see if it helps.
  16. C

    6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

    mine is going to be for personal use too, I will share a bit with friends just to show off a bit.Is tiger bloom expensive? where do you get it?
  17. C

    6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

    it was on another one of these threads, they said to use the "used" bulbs in your house. My whole deal is doing it as cheap as possible, thats why I use miracle grow stuff and molasses. My set up will get better as time goes. Just a little at a time and visiting trade fairs to find stuff cheap...
  18. C

    6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

    I read somewhere to change every grow, I thought it was a little too extreme.
  19. C

    Solar Tokes, Everyone Should Try Them, Post Creative Tokes

    I just tried this, it is 98 degrees here and plenty of sun. I can't wait to try it on my 1st harvest.
  20. C

    6 weeks flowering ,512 watts of cfl,second grow

    Looks great man. Did you use the same lights for 2nd grow as you did 1st grow or get all new ones?