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  1. freedom420x

    First auto flower grow

    you can make a hood yourself for about 20 bucks just get that reflective chimmney piping at home depot circle cut a hole for your fixture and presto
  2. freedom420x

    black leaves? black buds?

    Hi I have been a member here for awhile now, but never really posted much. I started a rando seed i found on my desk outside in a bucket. After she got hit a few times by torrential downpour rains and shitty temps i through her in my box down in the basement and shes finally starting to look...
  3. freedom420x

    Fire Hazard?

    Hey guys, I have seen a couple posts on this topic and i just wanted to make sure what i have is going to work without burning my house down.. well first off i live in a trailor and have a 250w HPS running in a spare bedroom that i use for storage. The room measures about 25 feet by 26 feet...