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  1. N


    Thanks, i think i might just pick up a t5 hood and if i'm not seeing enough veg growth i'll pick up a 250 mh to contribute. The combonation work well for you?
  2. N


    I'm finally going for a HID light setup but i have a few questions. I bought a 600w HPS for roughly 10 plants. But anyway for a SOG method can I veg with the hps or should i opt. for a t5 flouro hood in a seperate room or better yet a 400w MH? I also plan on picking up a lower wattage HID to...
  3. N

    I hate hurricanes...

    lol what an ass. eh just going to start over, atleast i'll have a low electirc bill this month.
  4. N

    I hate hurricanes...

    Hurricane ike killed my 4 plants they were about halfway through veg and ike decides to turn off my electricity for a week :sad:
  5. N

    Before i start...

    I'm about to start my first grow i have a rubbermaid setup. I was just wondering how many healthy plants would i be able to support with 2 46w cfls and 4 26w cfls (two of which are soft the rest being bright for veg.). Any info would be great. thanks