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  1. G

    question about white widow

    How early can you tell the sex of the plants. Mine are 31 days old. Some have these little things like small leaves sprouting from between the internode. How can I tell, If soon enough, Whether or not here male or female? What do I look for? Is this to early to tell?.............How do I post pics?
  2. G

    Little tiny bugs, organic solution?

    First time grower here. Got 10 ladies (hopefully ladies) at 4 weeks. There are these little tiny bugs that fly around the girls and seem to hang out in the soil alot to. I have found a small hole or 2 during daily inspection. What can I do to get rid of these pesky little shits and not use any...
  3. G


    Halogen lamps are just high-pressure incandescent lamps with halogen gas in them. It lets them run at higher temps and efficacies so it's great for lighting, but not effective or efficient for growing. The problem is that they put out way to much heat and have a narrow spectrum (far red)that...