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  1. C

    leaf problem.. worried first time grower!

    I had similar problem with my Super Skunk and i tried a lot of things to fix it but it only got worse. The solution to fix it was simple though. I raised the lights and it got back to normal in 2 days. Try that before you do anything complicated.
  2. C

    Leaves turning spotty, is it PK deficiency?

    I had similar problems in veg and i think it was the pH. I see some canoeing of some leaves, maybe that can be an indication of what the problem is.
  3. C

    How do i apply wood ash to raise ph?

    Just as an update. I used the wood ash and it didnt go well. Maybe i used to much. 1itsme: You said "You can do a lot of damage to the plants if you overdo it or correct it too fast". Well i did and i think that it was the final thing that killed my plant. probably to much pH fluctuation. Though...
  4. C

    How do i apply wood ash to raise ph?

    I have used about two tablespoons on top of soil and watered it down, i have seen just a littlebit of improvement but i doesnt seem to do the trick. Should i keep give it more ash or should i wait and see? How fast should i see a good progression in my leaves if im doing this right...
  5. C

    How do i apply wood ash to raise ph?

    Should i raise the ph with the ash really high in the water before i give it to my plant to make up for the low ph in soil?
  6. C

    How do i apply wood ash to raise ph?

    AimAim: Thank you for the link. It was very informative. I will take the info in to consideration. 1itsme: I will try that as a starting point, i really need that kind of advice. Bird mcbride: Maybe i should give them a very small amount of ash to begin with? I Have Gold Label nutrients and...
  7. C

    How do i apply wood ash to raise ph?

    Hello fellow growers =) Ill make this my first post at this excellent forum, been reading it for a while though =) I have been searching everywhere to get some info about how to apply wood ash to raise soil ph but never got any "recipe" My plant are really pale and have been for a while...