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  1. J

    Hello all of to dam in morning!!!!!

    Hello all of to amsterdam in morning for weekend any one got any must visits not been for probably 5 years now so any headsup on places to go?
  2. J

    Help me please losing my plants through thrip and pyrethrins

    I do hope they recover, and yes would of loved to use spinosad but its a bit harder to find in the uk read its very good. I know companys in states would deliver and have now ordered for futue but with 4 weeks delivery think my plants would of been completetly eaten by these little buggers.
  3. J

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I would try and wait till they got a little bigger before scroging as shouldnt streach yet as long as lamp not to far away, but you shouldnt be having that issue if thinking of scrogging at that height. I generally thought minium ofcause a little strain dependent was about 12-15"
  4. J

    Thoughts on Mutated Leaves?

    I also now scrap any mutants as only ever been bad news to me but that seems to be my luck. I had couple of friends have some nice surprises but normally alot more effort to even height canopys with them
  5. J

    Help me please losing my plants through thrip and pyrethrins

    I am still worried even if they bounce back, as with thrip i have read its best to reapply after 6 days?? If they get hit as badly again it put me back weeks to if my plants even survive. I need to beat them this time as second attack in this grow i have had so my plants have suffered from these...
  6. J

    Help me please losing my plants through thrip and pyrethrins

    I got some problems to say the least. Well my plants have thrips i doing cupboard grow out the way indoors!! Concluded must of been in soil but my issue is i bought a product called Protector witch says on bottle is 0.2 g/l pyrethrins so used it neat as instructions say after light cycle so cant...