Thank you Shepj. Its pretty fun. And if you've never tried it I suggest you do atleast before you knock down other people for experiencing one of the many experiences that a person should definitely experience in this world we live in.
Has anyone ever takin a poop on acid? I never have until today.. and I will let you know that this has got to be one of the best experiences of my life! If you have never i suggest you do. good times..
hi, thanks for your post, it was very very helpful. but no this isnt my first girl, and yes im sure it is a girl. i just thought it would be interesting to have a plant with little tiny buds! ill make sure to post or send you a picture when shes ready:weed:
hi, quick question. i have a plant thats about a foot tall and i was wondering if i could force it to flower? i know the yeild would be very small if i did but i was just curious.. thanks:peace: