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  1. N

    Reveg from bud after harvest

    Was that comment for me? I wasn't trying to stress them for pollen. Although I have done that many times
  2. N

    Reveg from bud after harvest

    had 2 phenos that were just too nice to let go so I harvested the plants reveged then put in scrog My crosses of bubble bomb x euphoria and power plant x euphoria
  3. N

    Some questions on oil heaters

    I set mine to my night time temp (lights off) at 17 deg then my lights will rase the day temp to about 27deg. You have to balance your extraction with heat.
  4. N

    What has Trump done to this country?

    I do like drinking and all my friends are animals
  5. N

    What has Trump done to this country?

    Made me glad I live in Australia
  6. N

    Strange bud stretching in 4th week of flowering

    looks pretty hempy to me
  7. N

    Is my plant indica or sativa?

    its hard to tell. Definitely has so sativa in it. Probably hybrid
  8. N

    Help? Never seen this before! Mutant or???

    How much light. They will foxtail if there is too much
  9. N

    Cloning nutrients

    the best advice I can give after 40+ years of growing is always take your final cut underwater. Cut off plant below the node you want to use then i use a bowl of water and place the stem underwater. Take the 45deg cut then into rooting jell (i prefer it to powder) then plant. I use peatpots. I...
  10. N

    One gallon pot...How much will it yield?

    as long as they have fertilizer and don't dry out you will be fine
  11. N

    Changing day/night while maintaining photoperiod (a regeneration inquiry)

    I would give them 24 hours on then put it to whatever time you want
  12. N

    Fem or auto

    Looks like a female to me
  13. N

    Black house ants

    They are more annoying than damaging
  14. N

    Are these buds looking good?

    All good mate. You will like the next weeks. They will ripen swell. I like to flush for the last 2 weeks.
  15. N

    Does anyone use worms in their indoor garden?

    I always put them in when I grew in soil. Good for aeration and there castings are good for your soil
  16. N

    Creating Seeds Question

    I just put a windows envelope over one the male flower groups and cut the rest off. Keep it closed tight. When polin is released i get a small paintbrush and carefully dab pollen onto buds
  17. N

    This will be fun

    Forgot photos
  18. N

    This will be fun

    what it looks like now. Will be rebuilding and "loosing" 7 foot off the end. Giving me a 7x12 room 7x4.5 flower room. 4x4 mother veg room. I keep you updated over the next 2-3 months
  19. N

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks mate Forgot what site I was on. Bloody heavy indicas
  20. N

    Runoff testing around .5-.7 higher ph than water going in

    More importantly check EC in runoff to keep salts in line