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  1. getafix

    whats the law in uk??

    The law in the UK does not like it when you grow weed. You can have the seeds but they are for souvenir purposes. Your sentence will depend on how many plants you grow and if the police can prove that you were selling. If you have less than 6-8 plants and is for personal use you will be doing...
  2. getafix

    switching bulbs/nutes from veg to flower

    I have been growing with a MH 18/6 and I am ready to start flowering. When should I change bulbs? A. when I change the timer to 12/12 or B. when I start to see the first signs of pistils. If it is B will the plant stretch less? The same question but with the nutes. Change nutes when I change the...
  3. getafix

    Hi I am Gtafix from N.Wales England. I was born in Greece but have travelled a bit. At the...

    Hi I am Gtafix from N.Wales England. I was born in Greece but have travelled a bit. At the moment I grow in soil, use Bio Canna with a dimmable 600w Lumatek installed today. I have been growing for three years.