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  1. 4myself

    How much longer should I wait to flower?? pics attached.

    im ashamed looking back at them plants. bad bad waste of time. im kind of a pro now ha. 3rd grow now...
  2. 4myself

    problems with flower

    the lights are too far away and there stretching for light, you'll need support for them soon
  3. 4myself

    weird spots please help!

    im not a wizz but i think its nut-burn, its to early for it. it has enouf food already
  4. 4myself

    Help with sexing my babys. im sure there all females. :)

    bit to early then, i taught the 2 spikes were pistils. back in 2weeks. thanks boys...
  5. 4myself

    Help with sexing my babys. im sure there all females. :)

    iv been on 12/12 lighting 2 days now, some results i THINK! there either all males or all females. couldnt get good pics of 2 of them but there all the same, heres 2 plants
  6. 4myself

    i grow small, and for myself.

    i grow small, and for myself.
  7. 4myself

    How much longer should I wait to flower?? pics attached.

    I turned the lights at 10pm off for the first time. what kind of cicle should i do to train them into 12/12??? id be happy with double the size they are now for my first grow.
  8. 4myself

    How much longer should I wait to flower?? pics attached.

    has anyone got any thoughts on when I should go into flowering?
  9. 4myself

    How much longer should I wait to flower?? pics attached.

    Yeah I topped two of them last week, we'll see how that goes.
  10. 4myself

    How much longer should I wait to flower?? pics attached.

    most of the fime there like 2 to 4 inches. i move them up when im tending to them, like the pic. they are stretchy. will that afect them much, if yes how? thanks for the fast reply:blsmoke:
  11. 4myself

    How much longer should I wait to flower?? pics attached.

    There skunk#11, on 24/7 light cicle with 3 cfls, soon to be "hps". the temp is mostly around "24 degrees c". its been 5 weeks now from sprout. Should I leave for another month or less, there on 8th node 9th just poking out, I had some nute burn two weeks ago, flushed them for a week, now im...