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  1. O

    Drying harvest in dry climate

    Hey all, It’s that time, time to harvest. We live in Denver, where it’s extremely dry normally, and it’s extra dry in our house because of the heat running. My question is, is there anything I can do to make sure my harvest doesn’t dry too fast? I’m thinking about leaving more of the sugar...
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    Is it time to harvest?

    Perfect!! Thanks for your help!! I've been taking pictures all through the process and plan on posting a grow journal at the end of the process.
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    Is it time to harvest?

    Thanks for the advice!! I'm trying to make it til next weekend before harvest, when I'll have some more time, and was just fearful that they might get over-ripe before then. I'll take a look through my scope tomorrow and compare to the picture Lordhooha posted. Thanks again!!
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    Is it time to harvest?

    First time grower here, and my ladies have been at 12/12 for approximately 9 weeks, and I think they're getting pretty close to maturity. The pistils on one in particular are mostly orange (see pictures), but my pocket scope doesn't come in until tomorrow. Honestly, even with the pocket scope, I...
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    PC Grow Questons

    About how long until I should be able to tell the sex if I did them 12/12 from the start? I have never read anything about doing that except with auto-flower strains.
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    PC Grow Questons

    Also, I was thinking about trying to put at least two plants in there at a time, maybe 3 since I'll have room to weave em around and give them their space with the LST screen. I'm going to be flowering them relatively early due to the space constraints. Anybody have input on what they think I...
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    PC Grow Questons

    For sure, I'm a little scared I'm going to come out with a cannabis sausage fest and get all males, but at least I'll learn the basics first and get something good. Just checked out the party cup grow by SICC, that would be awesome if I could come out with something as short and bushy as that...
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    PC Grow Questons

    Thanks! I think I'm just gonna go with a few nice looking bag seeds for now until I know that I'm not going to screw it up. I have the screen for LST so I'm definitely going to do that, but I'm afraid I'll kill it or something if I try to top it, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it...
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    PC Grow Questons

    Hello all, This is my first post on here, but I have been reading all day today different people that have done very successful grows in a PC tower. I have one all ready to go, but I wanted to ask a few questions before I started doing things since this is my very first grow attempt. Few...