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  1. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    Yeah im gonna be picking up some lights over the weekend, and I want to try the mixed spectrum for my first time around, and thank you for the suggestion on the HPS ill def take a look into it. But ill keep this post updated so you guys can see the progress, thanks again for the info!!!!! @Tupapa
  2. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    As far as flower goes im stuck between 2 choices.... 300watt LED-250watt HPS Ive read some pros and cons but I wanted to get your opinion on whats better since im reading articles from people I don't know I thought id ask someone im actually communicating with lol every piece of information is...
  3. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    Sorry I got back to you so late, fell asleep after I wrote you back haha Yes im in Veg right now hoping to try and get a few cuts before flower them. As far as Temp-Humidity I have no clue,im going off of how my place is which is usually 70-76.... Wow thank you so much for the information on the...
  4. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    One on the left is the Sherbert and the Right is the GG4 @Tupapa @moondance
  5. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    Right now I have 2 100 watt CFL (2700k) bulbs over them, don't know if I want to get an LED or more CFL still debating,Soil is reg miracle grow potting soil wanted to get better but just wanted to get something going so I can see the difference in qualities.No nutrients still learning about them...
  6. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    Thank you @moondance ill be posting pics soon and updates as much as I can to keep you guys posted and to get the most help/info I can!!!!!
  7. M

    First Time Grow!!!! :)

    Hey everyone just thought I'd start my first post lol This is my first grow and so far its going really good. Ive done a lot of vegetable gardens when I was younger and always had a great passion for it, So this all started Sept,28th,2016 my good friend stopped by my place and just said "Here...