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  1. D

    Remo nutrients

    oh snap i'm on this very quest with bad results. at present using the said above "cant figure out exactly what the problem is" I have at present TOTALLY cut the Magnifical. Using GROW, MICRO, VELO, MAG has had bad...
  2. D

    He added to an article many years here...

    He added to an article many years here would any of you know the explanation to his formula and or calculations based on Remo nutrients ? This single thread has helped me so much and now I want to understand the...
  3. D

    Can't figure out exactly what the problem is?

    I also understand the author may not be with us anymore and for that I am deeply sorry.
  4. D

    Can't figure out exactly what the problem is?

    Where can I source the reasoning behind this ? What is this magician doing ? Calculation formula wise ? Anybody?