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  1. S

    need help...cant decide on which HYDROPONIC SYSTEM to get

    it all depends on how much money you want to spend. a flood table will cost about 50 to 60 buck. then you need your drip system which you can get a hydroponic store or at lowes or a garden store or online its up to.
  2. S

    need help...cant decide on which HYDROPONIC SYSTEM to get

    i would use a drip system for veg useing a flood table your size of choice and for flowering a ebb and flood system real easy to use and costs not much at all if you want more help just drop me a line ill help you out
  3. S

    Advanced Nutrients Advice For Hydro

    what you got is good. just add big bud tho for flowering insted of Sensizyme
  4. S

    1st time

    i wouldn't force it in to flowering to show its sex. Just take a cutting at a 45 degree angle and clone it. then grow that clone for a while and force that in to flowering and that will tell you for sure what sex it is. if you want to do it this way i can help you just let me know.