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  1. S

    stunted growth on mother, will clones suffer

    clones only get so big anyways unless your mother plant is in a 1 gal pot but if u r trying to transplant that root bound mother to a bigger pot u may have to do some root trimming people use this method on mother plants to promote new growth after having for a while in veg
  2. S

    When to remove Clone dome?

    do u see a lot of roots or just a little i wait til roots are coming out the sides and bottom before transplanting seems to take off a lot faster and better
  3. S

    Fuck a Greendot prepaid card..

    the temperary card is only valid for purchase in the us intil u get ur card with ur name on it but the kroger temp card works just fine look on ur card it says on the front valid in the us only
  4. S

    Male or feamle Please help, i have piks.

    looks like you got some nut sacks there buddy couldnt really tell on the right didnt see any white pistols
  5. S

    Plant issues, Help would be appreciated

    yeah nitrogen could be the case but you dont want alot during the flowering phase and depending on how long long you have been flowering leaves will eventually turn yellow and fall off due to using sugars from the leaves to make buds