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  1. DriftSlowly

    What the hellp is going on?

    This was my first grow with that light though I only spent $100 on it
  2. DriftSlowly

    What the hellp is going on?

    30604, member: 937614"]Thank you for this info as well I will cut down on the nutes a little more I started another the other day in case i need to throw this one out unfortunately. i figured it wont produce much at this point. I also am not going to get autos anymore...thought it would be...
  3. DriftSlowly

    What the hellp is going on?

    Thank you for this info as well I will cut down on the nutes a little more
  4. DriftSlowly

    What the hellp is going on?

    Thank you for bringing this to light and I was thinking it was a cal issue too I just didn't know why the Molasses i was giving it wasn't helping i'm going to purchase some CalMag immediately, i knew i should have bought some when i was getting everything else hopefully I can save this. Does it...
  5. DriftSlowly

    What the hellp is going on?

    This is my second grow. Problem Started a week or two ago. It is Auto Jock Horror nirvana seeds. Under 20/4 135(actual wattage) LED light in a small 1-2 plant grow area I am using Foxfarm happy frog soil with fox farm nuetrients, ya know the big bloom trio. I have been giving half veg nuetrients...
  6. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    Still more time? Anyone? Also I am looking for the cerebral high. Milky trikes
  7. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    By the way did anyone happen to take close observation to my video? I initially wanted an in depth look at this short clip to see if anyone sees what I'm seeing. The different light refraction coming off the trichomes. Or am I just crazy?
  8. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    Ok I'll shoot for that and continue giving nutes until the last week or so. It shouldn't take much to flush them since they look a little deficient anywho.
  9. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    Also this little guy seems to be aging faster than the rest it is also on a low part of the plant. Doesn't even get much light.
  10. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    It's Auto kryptonite from pyramid seeds. Think 65 days from flower but it started to yellow recently even while I was feeding it nutrients. Also it gets cold in my basement at night. Day temps are consistsntly 74 with a 130 true watt LED temps at night around 60-65 I was reading a cold can...
  11. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    I failed to mention this is an auto and it sprouted May 6 .
  12. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    Thanks hassem thanks everyone for the info
  13. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    This is how she looks now. I know that plants foliage will die off as life nears an end but if she still needs 6 more weeks should I start feeding it nuetrients again? I stopped about a week ago
  14. DriftSlowly

    Can you tell trichome color by using phone LED and camera??

    So this is my first grow and I am bugging out about my trichomes and I can't get anything close enough to make a definitive answer but I have noticed how light manipulates the way they look. Recently I started using my phone and seem to be able to see some sparkly orange glistening through at...