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  1. Dink

    Yellow and curling leaves..deficiency of..?

    Thanks man. I appreciate that. So basically STOP spraying them and they should recover.. Also i'm using a tomato soil mixed w/ some sand. I'm using Tetra Verra nutes and just started those about a wk ago. When should i start the 12/12 light schedule?
  2. Dink

    Yellow and curling leaves..deficiency of..?

    Im growing 3 plants in a room in my basement.. They're about 5 wks along and in the span of a few days have started turning yellow and curling up. I water when they seem kind of dry and i spray them regularly..i think its some type of deficiency, but i dont know which one.. i thought the light...
  3. Dink

    my plants are dying!!

    i have 5 plants about 3-4 weeks old that were doing excellent, then a heat wave hit and wilted all of them. i nursed three back to health and the main leaves on the other two are dead or dying but the smaller leaves still show life. should i bother with the dying ones or is there a way to revive...
  4. Dink

    Which soils to use?

    i wish i was lucky enough to have a home depot. i live in germany and the main store i have to shop at is the post exchange which doesnt stock shit for garden supplies...i can go to a german home store but i dont know what to look for. i picked up some special soil for tomatoes but everything on...