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  1. J

    Sea of Green

    HI all GOt a question about sog method. I was thinking on trying to get 9 plants per square foot using 16oz plastic cups for containers lol (im kinda cheap) doing an ebb and flow with a 1000 watt hps and a 4ft by 4ft tray. I'm wondering if anyone has ever grown GHS bubba kush. I'm...
  2. J

    Bubba Kush

    I just started bubba kush seeds from GHS and was wondering if it was a good strain to do a sea of green flood and drain system. wanted to use 6inch round pots but they look too big. was wondering if it is possible to get half oz per plant in less than 6inch pots or will the roots tangle and...
  3. J

    Question about humidity during night cycle

    Ok so i changed the timer so filter is on all the time. It is inside the tent and the 6inch fan is pulling out of the room and outside. humidity is in the high 60s. O yea while trying to change timer I knocked over the carbon filter that was on a unstable table. Needless to say it landed right...
  4. J

    Question about humidity during night cycle

    I have a 6 inch inline and a 4inch (6inch)for carbon filter (4inch) for cooling1 1000w hps and 1 600 watt hps both are off at night because there is no smell yet. SHould i keep the smaller one on at night every 15min out of every hour or run my larger one?
  5. J

    Question about humidity during night cycle

    I have a 8.6 by 4.3 by 7 foot tall grow tent and i am having problems with humidity in the room at night. going from 50-60% when lights on(21ish degrees Celsius ) to 90% when lights are off (15ish degrees Celsius). Will this change affect my plants or is it normal to have 80-90% humidity...
  6. J

    NEED HELP! Kings kush plant size for maximum yield

    PLZ SOMEONE HELP!!!! Need to know the best size to keep kings kush clones . I have 1 600w hps and 1 1000w hps/mh (switchable) . I would like to know what size the palnts should be to get maximum yield. Any experienced kings kush growers info is welcome. I have 3 right now under the 1000w MH and...
  7. J

    1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow

    kool good to know that kings kush has good bag appeal Do u think that 120 small plants is the way to go under 1000 watt hps or should i do 25 like gastanker suggested and try to get an o per plant?? Im looking for the fastest turn around on these palnts and best yield possible for the...
  8. J

    1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow

    good call i have had Powder mold before and it sucks ass. Guess thats the last thing i want getting on my kush plants lol I remember trying so many different ways to get rid of it !!!!!! Milk, sulfur, voodoo lol really affected my yield on some early girls i had a while ago they were great...
  9. J

    1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow

    lol no grow thread yet just dippin my big toe in to see if the water is nice lol . I like the idea of 1gal=1 oz a plant and being able to fit that amount in that sized grow room but the kings kush is a SLOW starter. Popped 3 before and vegged for 3 months in 3 gal buckets under 1000w mh...
  10. J

    1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow

    have someone who has some growing already probablly buy clones and clone from them to double and so on and so on until i get enough thinking of doing 24 in 2 week segments figure that will be enough for me for a bit lol
  11. J

    1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow

    At 50 plants under 2 1000watts how long did u veg for and how much did u get per plant (final dry weight)? I was thinking of doing 6in plants then right to flower and hoping for 3 to 7 g per plant times 144 = me being happy for a while lol O yea my tent is 8.6 by 4.3 by 7 feet tall and...
  12. J

    1600 watt S.O.G. soil kings kush grow

    Hi all had a few questions about this sea of green method im about to try. I bought feminised kings kush from GH seed company. I want to do 2 times 3.5 by 3.5 foot tables and run 120 to 144 plants per table. Would this be too much for 1600 watts. I know that a 1000 watt will be enough for sure...
  13. J

    Best Damn reservoir for DWC 2.0! Water temp issues resolved! See pics

    hi great setup!! love the cooler idea! would like to know step by step build if you still know everything you used and how u modified the top plz and thanks. Been using a rubbermaid system and having problems with it already. hi water temps and light getting in are the big problems. Will...