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  1. UrbanGuerrilla

    Dam Rattlesnakes!

    Looks like a nice belt to me..........I caught a snake in my bathroom cabinet, but it was only a Blacksnake.
  2. UrbanGuerrilla

    How do i use a pc fan for growing,i have a phone charger

    Nope......It will just run backwards.
  3. UrbanGuerrilla

    Which soils to use?

    I am on my first grow and i used a mixture of Topsoil, potting soil and perlite. The only reason i used it is because it was free, and since this was my first grow i didn't want to break the bank before i was sure i could get results. I am on day 38 of Flowering and have some nice looking buds...
  4. UrbanGuerrilla

    Transplanting During 12/12 ?

    I am at about day 30 of 12/12, i started my plants in 2 gallon pots, i have recently acquired a few 3 gallon pots, should i transplant to the larger pots ? Or just let em go. I am not sure if only 1 extra gallon would be worth it ? Any advice ?
  5. UrbanGuerrilla

    Help ID This Problem

    Thank's for that tip jawbrodt, i really appreciate you guys taking time to help me.
  6. UrbanGuerrilla

    Help ID This Problem

    Thanks so much for all the helpful info guys, i have been reading for a few months now not wanting to ask stupid questions. The soil is my main problem , its a mixture of topsoil, potting soil and perlite, the only reason i used it is because it was free. For my next try i will be using a good...
  7. UrbanGuerrilla

    Help ID This Problem

    I ph adjust my water with wood ashes and apple cider vinegar as my ph up and down. Do you think that could be a problem ?
  8. UrbanGuerrilla

    Help ID This Problem

    I think i may have over nuted, just switched to 12/12 on Jan. 27 on Jan. 17 Fed it with 1/2 ml SeaCal 1 1/2 ml Oneness and 7 drops of Schults 10-15-10. On Jan 23 Just watered with 1 tsp Mollasses then on Jan 28 Fed 1 ml SeaCal and 3 ml Oneness and 14 drops of Schultz 10-15-10. After being out of...