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  1. G

    Skylight grow UK

    also at the moment there is only 4 leafs that kinda look yellow the rest of the plant is a health green
  2. G

    Skylight grow UK

    Great advice mate like everyone i want a nice smoke at the end so i might take your advice and get the nutes.
  3. G

    Skylight grow UK

    I will definately use nutes on my next grow ubder a skylight but i'm more curious of what ill get without nutes, to see what you can get for spending no money on a grow
  4. G

    Skylight grow UK

    the bottom set of leaves turned yellow and then brown, the next three sets of leaves are various shades of yellow geting more yelow toward the bottom, from what i read i gathered from a plant this small with out nutes would suck various nutes from the lower leaves turning them yellow and...
  5. G

    Skylight grow UK

  6. G

    Skylight grow UK

  7. G

    Skylight grow UK

    Not an old thread buddy i update every week with photos and the new ones should be up tomorrow. Covered in white hairs my friend though the buds dont really seem to be gretting bigger i have a feeling its the size of the pot restricting the roots cause the problems and i'm not sure if it would...
  8. G

    Skylight grow UK

    So if anyone is wondering the bottle of coke with the cloudly white liquid with the straws coming out is yeast sugar and water which produces co2 so when i put the plant to sleep in the cupboard i postion the straw above the main cola as co2 is heavey Oxygen it should fall over the plant, i hope...
  9. G

    Skylight grow UK

  10. G

    Skylight grow UK

    So dont know if you guys are checking forupdates but its a week later and my baby is flowering beautifully and thankfully the british weather has been on fantastic. I had some doubts as to whether this was going to work and actually produce something worth while but as the days are going by...
  11. G

    Skylight grow UK

  12. G

    Skylight grow UK

    hey all today i can see the white lady party and can finally see the bud forming! i will post more photos soon. plus brnd has kinda fixed its self
  13. G

    Skylight grow UK

    As you can see my plant is doing quite well in the british weather though she seem to have a slighty bend. any suggestions on how to fix this? thanx
  14. G

    Skylight grow UK

  15. G

    Skylight grow UK

    So here is some pics a week later my baby seems to be surviving quite well.
  16. G

    Comparing - Air and Water - Cure (w/pics)

    So you have intrigued me and im intrested in doing part of my harvest in that method check here for details Skylight grow UK. Just wanted to get this straight, once i harvest my buds i submegre them in a container if they float place something on top to keep them under. I have heard...
  17. G

    Water Curing VS Air Curing

    So you have intrigued me and im intrested in doing part of my harvest in that method check here for details Just wanted to get this straight, once i harvest my buds i submegre them in a container if they float...
  18. G

  19. G


    Thanks frmrboi and max i welcome the advice if you wanna check out my grow the link is below
  20. G


    haha i was wide awake at 7:45 cant believe i fell asleep. So just to make this clear keep it on my schedule and take the down at 8 and continue as normal even though they are only getting 8 hours?