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  1. greenthumbgrower


    I was thinking about buying a 400W balast that works for both MH and HPS, and it says it comes with either a 140 volt power cord or 240, any info on the difference?
  2. greenthumbgrower

    Maso Jar for foot long cola?

    i got a 1 ft tall by about 6 in circumfrence Ball Jar from my locol hardware store only $1.99
  3. greenthumbgrower

    Hide 5 foot plants

    i turned my dresser into a stealth grow box, just removed the drawers and placed the fronts back on with glue, so it was hallowed out, then i made a door big enough to do maitinence, it is working really great check my other posts to see pics
  4. greenthumbgrower

    100 watt cfl 1 month flowering *PICS*

    i vegged for about 2 months on 18/6, and i'm using 3 27 watt, and 2 13 watt cfls, so in all 107 watts. thanks for the comments.
  5. greenthumbgrower

    100 watt cfl 1 month flowering *PICS*

    This is my 2nd grow using cfls. what do u think????
  6. greenthumbgrower

    My plant doesnt stink?

    thanks for the comments, what would be the best way to clone it, ive researched it but dont know much.
  7. greenthumbgrower

    My plant doesnt stink?

    it was just a bagseed from some decent bud i got awhile back
  8. greenthumbgrower

    My plant doesnt stink?

    my plant is a month into flowering and she seems to have no skunky smell or any distinct smell at all, only the smell of lemon when u touch the bud. Does this mean it isnt potent? Or is it normal? Let me know what you think, THANKS:eyesmoke:
  9. greenthumbgrower

    NEED HELP! plant is dying, PICS

    My plant is about 1 month 2 weeks old and was doing fine until about 2 days ago, the bottom leaves all turned colors mostly yellow and white and some black spots, then yesterday ones closer to the top started turning. Its growing under 5 23w cfls and its on 24/0 i havent given it any nutes yet...
  10. greenthumbgrower

    small grow box lighting question

    Anyone know how many 26w flos i would need to use for a 3x2x3 grow box for 2 plants, i was thinking 4-6 maybe more, let me know thanks. Greenthumb:eyesmoke: