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  1. rtmike

    Life's on a roll.

    Life's on a roll.
  2. rtmike

    1st off, sorry, redundant question.Check PH with HM TDS EZ meter

    Thanks for that,Lol. wow. I'm sorry man, you mean well but just cause I graduated high school doesn't mean there's ANY way I can comprehend even a little of that, lol. I now have a knot on the back of my head from that flowing over the top of my head, hitting the wall behind me & bounced back...
  3. rtmike

    1st off, sorry, redundant question.Check PH with HM TDS EZ meter

    LOL, that would sure explain a lot. Thanks...for the answer anyways, lol.
  4. rtmike

    1st off, sorry, redundant question.Check PH with HM TDS EZ meter

    I was using the little PH strips you get at the pet stores & I'm about out. I have a Hannah TDS EZ water meter that's still new from not using it. This is NO bull but I've searched You Tube & the 'net for close to 2 hours. I give up. Apparently I'm not using the correct "search" words...
  5. rtmike

    I got arrested

    I don't know, it would have been tough for me to walk away a decade or so ago. Nowadays, I would just reply with some sort of condesccending smart ass remark. Of course I'd have to make sure there were witness' in case the mentioned big, bad bully decides to punch a paraplegic. Now that would...
  6. rtmike

    I got arrested

    Were you a former porno star too? I would sometimes get tips $$ from the foreign ladies although I tell my wife its an old currency collection.
  7. rtmike

    Designing a 15000sqft facility....please help

    Yeah, I just joined the site after reading this whole thread. Good readin' for the eyes!