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  1. K

    Has anyone ever seen this before?

    Yeah ive had that problem before. What I did is that I just gave it pure water for 1 week and left them to grow. The next leaves started growing normal. I dont know exactly what was the problem. But it just happend to one of my plants.
  2. K

    1st grow newb question about flowering , ready or not ? (pics..)

    Just leave them they would just drop. Usually happens. You dont want to cut your plant too much as it can stress them. What you can try is to gently push them down those in the bottom and if they fall then they fall lol... If they dont fall just leave them.
  3. K

    Seedling Leaves Look White?

    They look fine to me... give them couple of more days because in your pictures they look very normal.
  4. K

    fan leaves drying out yellowing then brown crispy on edges and falling off

    Id say first recheck your PH again. Many things like calcium being not taken can be affected my the PH. I dont know how ofter you feed your plants and at how much "revive" did you give your plants per feed. I think its either K or Calcium. Recheck your PH make sure is not too acidic and stop...
  5. K

    First Grow

    You can get a humidifier that would be the best thing you can do to get your humidity high. Make sure also that is one that you can regulate. It will take some trial and error before you find at what rate of your humidifier will you get the adequate humidity. From what I know is that low...
  6. K

    Volume's Under $100.00 scrog purps grow-->250watts of extra grow equipment MUST SEE

    Yeah but you also should take into consideration your room temperature. I mean if the air coming in is also warm. If the temp outside is cold then you wouldn't need to move that much air to cool inside. If your air is warmer then more air coming in would be necessary. Just keep in mind that bc...
  7. K

    nute burn or light burn????

    your soil doesnt look very wet. Either way it does look like too much P .
  8. K

    hey~ Im kind of also new at this but I run my babies in a big wardrobe/closet. have two 12mm...

    hey~ Im kind of also new at this but I run my babies in a big wardrobe/closet. have two 12mm intake fans and one 14mm exhaust fan with a small homemade carbon filter. and have a veg/clone section with two 8mm intake fans and one 12mm fan exhaust and a veg mother plan sec which is has one 12mm...
  9. K

    First Grow

    never tried that~ so I don't know what to tell you~
  10. K

    Bagseed Grow. 800w hps

    Well i dont know exactly whats up with ur first two pics, you should check the forums as there are a lot of ppl who have all sorts of trouble and about your third pic well usually leaves get greener as they go. but looks like some kind of def.
  11. K

    Barneys farm blue cheese led 90w

    they look ok. I also topped mine but I top them leaving maybe like 1 or 2 mm of the stem.. seems like you left good 0.5 - 1 cm of the stem there~ Either way your plants look really good~ lol mine are in trouble right now~ :S kinda getting burnt for some reason. dunno if it is K def or something...
  12. K

    Bagseed Grow. 800w hps

    I dont know much about neem oil and about transferring your plants is that the least transplant and at early as possible will cause less stress on your plants... or so i've read around. For your plant symptoms maybe pictures of your plants showing those traits would be nice.
  13. K

    fan leaves drying out yellowing then brown crispy on edges and falling off

    Hey! do you maybe mind posting pics of your plants and not just the leaves? Similar thing has been going on with mine. Difference is that mine are growing with LEDs and CFLs. I am not 100% sure but after reading a lot of problem related posts and guides i came to the conclusion it could be some...
  14. K

    Barneys farm blue cheese led 90w

    Lol same here. its my first grow and decided to go with LEDs .. makes me wonder if maybe i should had MH/HPS or CFLs..
  15. K

    Barneys farm blue cheese led 90w

    I have to agree with ilikeme. Keep in mind your grow space cause as I have seen and read around plants do double or trip when put on flowering. so if your limited on space then should not really be concerned about their size right now~!
  16. K

    First Grow

    i dont know much but ive read around that low humidities can affect the plant also. Id say keeping it at an steady 40%-60%. if you dont have a humidifier maybe a tupperware with water in there could help. What i do is that I also mist my closet a bit and let the heat evaporate the mist.
  17. K

    Volume's Under $100.00 scrog purps grow-->250watts of extra grow equipment MUST SEE

    I grow with LEDs and CFL seems that maybe you might need a bit more venting cause it might get hot. idk about the math there but its always better to have an extra fan just incase.
  18. K

    First Grow

    They look good. Im having problems with my 2 week babies! but yours looks good! keep it up!