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  1. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    Yo! Back from the dead. Sort of. Had a rough year there. Can't believe it's been that long since I posted on here. Had a baby girl in June, then bunch of legal issues to iron out from a DUI in Sept 09, went bankrupt, moved out of the city & into the mountains west of Denver. Still on...
  2. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    pic updates from last week
  3. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    Everything's looking great on my end. Just snapped some pics last night, I'll get em posted tonight, I hope. WAY too busy lately to dick around on the internet. Pregnant wifey & 6 different things going at once as far as my self-employment status leaves little time for typing, etc. My temps at...
  4. Dick Jerky

    some kind of 15 min on/off timer

    +1 on both the Repeat Cycle timer & the EcoPlus pump. Hoever, I use a 30 on/30 off timer from home depot. The kind with the tabs you pull up or push down. I have no temp issues & the babies are happy as can be...
  5. Dick Jerky

    timing is everything?

    Yeah. I run a humidifier. It's supposed to be a bedroom unit. Kind of a cheapie I picked up on Craigslist. It works but I think a bigger, better one is order, especially come summertime. My humidity hovers around 40-45% without humidifer, 50-55% with. I'd rather be in the 60-70 range, but it's...
  6. Dick Jerky

    timing is everything?

    When I finally ponied up the cash for the good timer, I started with 3 minute on, 3 off. But then I quickly realized that The roots were holding so much water I could back that off. I am 4 weeks in or so & currently run about 1 min on, about 5 min off. Here in Denver the relative humidity is...
  7. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    so 4 or 5 days ago I got tired of looking at a baby Kush plant that never stretched. It started flowering, but its growth was severely stunted. I swapped it with a bushy Kush clone I had waiting. Then this morning, "is that a Hermie?". Another Kush had turned on me. It's flowers were looking...
  8. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    I like that idea. I have my cloning machine that I made. It uses the same size net pots that I use in my aero. I could use ph'ed water in there, and maybe just cut the root ball back a bit... hmmm... good stuff!
  9. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    So, I'm using GH Micro, Grow, & Bloom Nutes. Any suggestions on supplements? I figure I should continue with GH stuff, but they have a few different things out there. Also, since I'm growing several different strains in the same machine, it's challenging to figure when I can flush the system...
  10. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    I'd also like to know where I can find the 2 lovely ladies in your avatar...:bigjoint:
  11. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    Thanks, Lo'Pan. I actually had a buddy who went in on the materials with me in exchange for product on the back end... Hope your situation turns out ok...
  12. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    Thanks, B. Very helpful chart ya got there. I'm gonna start supplementing this week.:leaf:
  13. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    here's one from 6 feet away...
  14. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    So these pics are from a couple days ago. This is around 3 weeks flowering for most of the plants, but some of them are @ 2 weeks. I tried to get some close ups of the trichome hairs on a few of the buds/leaves. I have since added a chicken wire screen to train the taller plants into...
  15. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    The roots look discolored in these attached pics, but it's just the way the lighting tricks the camera. They are white as can be. The shot with them on shows that about 1/4" out from the tip is where it turns into a mist. The 2nd shot shows where the water falls into the rez. It bubbles there...
  16. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    BTW- Did no one get my reference to Spaceballs when naming my machine? Or is it just so understood that no one reacted? Spaceball One was the name of Dark Helmet's ship...
  17. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    Using the GH stuff on this one. The 3 part system, Micro, Gro, & Bloom. The first batch I mixed, I used the recommended mixture on the bottle @ full strength. Oops. Immediate signs of nute burn on almost every plant. Interestingly, they all exhibited slightly different symptoms. Maybe due to the...
  18. Dick Jerky

    DIY Aero Basement Grow - Multiple Strains

    Still toying around with that one. At first, I was around 3 min on, 3/off. Now that all the plants have root balls that rest on the bottom of the pipe, I can back off a bit as they hold a lot of moisture & it takes some time for the water to work its way out of the tubes into the res. My current...