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  1. Lexluthor400

    Words cannot describe

    Okay so yesterday I get a call from a perspective employer. They asked me if I would like to come in for an interview (which precedes a drug test), and of course; I say yes. The interview was scheduled for today at 3:00pm. So initially I feel screwed because I have no time to prepare for it...
  2. Lexluthor400

    First Grow-white widdow

    WhiteWiddow, First off, welcome to the 'Growing Nation'. Is that aluminum foil for lining? If so, you should buy some mylar. Aluminum foil absorbs light and does not reflect the right wavelengths. Foil is worse than white walls.
  3. Lexluthor400

    What the Tea Parties were all about ...

    It comes down to this! The government breaks your legs then says "I'll give you a crutch if you vote for me". People are taxed until they cant afford it anymore. Then once the people have little or no money they give it back i.e. (welfare, stimulus checks, student aid, bailouts, etc.)...
  4. Lexluthor400


    'Popcorn' bud is just the small buds on the lower part of the plant that look kinda like 'popcorn'.
  5. Lexluthor400

    Will 2 15 watts do?

    Yeah I dont think 30 watts is going to cut it. The main thing I try to do when growing is mimicking mother nature as much as possible. So using this reasoning I would say that 30 watts is insufficient! Anything worth doing (growing bud) is worth doing RIGHT. I understand not all can have...
  6. Lexluthor400

    My first grow

    Here is an update! Pics taken 03-10-09 enjoy! Pics 1,2,4 are Hindu Skunk Pic 3 is one of the White Widow :bigjoint:
  7. Lexluthor400

    The biggest cola ever - overgrown style.

    What is overgrown style?
  8. Lexluthor400

    which nutes to use..

    I would go with "Sweet & Heavy". I like them because they are made from all natural ingredients not man made chemicals.
  9. Lexluthor400

    slow growth?

    I think it might just be the CFLs. Cfls are good for small grows but 6 plants requires alot of light. For the money HPS lamps are the best way to go when you look at Cost/Efficiency remember a plant needs water, light and c02 to grow. It can only grow as fast as your weakest part of the three...
  10. Lexluthor400

    Does anyone like to get high and lift weights?

    I usually smoke after an intense workout really helps to cool down.
  11. Lexluthor400


    I use 100% Perlite and it works fine!
  12. Lexluthor400

    mailing weed

    The DEA cant charge you with anything anyways. They cant charge you because you never had it in your possession. You cant get trafficking charges either because you did not ship it and how are they going to prove that you had it shipped. I say go for it and package it up safely.
  13. Lexluthor400

    Do you believe in God?

    I think God may have not made the earth itself directly but rather created the entire universe at once through the so called "BIG BANG" Think of it this way, I grow weed, but i did not create/build it. I just gave it what it needed and it formed into a plant. God just gave the universe...
  14. Lexluthor400

    1st timer, Wanting Perfection

    KittenKiller I noticed you are Sac, just saying whats up from a fellow greenthumb in Sac!
  15. Lexluthor400

    mailing weed

    You should probably use a privately owned company like UPS or FED EX because the USPS is run by the government and is more strict and nosey about what is mailed. Fed Ex or UPS just want your business and don't really search your package. Oh and whatever you do don't put a return address on it...
  16. Lexluthor400

    will this get me busted?

    The Supreme Court recently ruled that police CANNOT use the thermal cameras to obtain warrants. You should only be worried about the smell and any noise coming from your fan. You never know if a neighbor suspects a noisy fan as a grow room. Its funny how everything you can get busted for has a...
  17. Lexluthor400

    Help me diagnose my baby! (Pics)

    From my experience HPS works fine for vegging. My clones went from 5" to 26" in 3 weeks lighted by a 600w HPS. HPS all the way! If you don't believe me look at my grow -
  18. Lexluthor400

    sandmonkey's 1st grow: NLX and BubbleGum

    Looks good man! You grow is just 2 weeks ahead of mine, I cant wait!
  19. Lexluthor400

    Seedlings, Clones, Need Night?

    Sorry but I beg to differ. I had my small (Less than 6") clones grow to 26" in about 3 weeks with 24/7 lighting. I'm using hydro too so that helped. The plant will rest when it needs to, even with the lights on. just watch time lapse videos and you can see the plants rest and grow. Plants need...
  20. Lexluthor400

    Ballasts just worry me..

    When you compare the efficiency of CFL to HPS the HPS lamps are far more efficient! I have a 600w HPS in a 4x4x8 room and neither the ballast or the room gets too hot.