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  1. Cognotive-theory

    Resin Lips

    i get this too with bongs and noone has a real solution, the best ive read so far could be shape of mouth to wich points the strongest so far but certain conditions could make it more previlant like moisture and smoke together so perhaps the colder the water (more condensation) the more likely...
  2. Cognotive-theory

    Show off your blz-bud!!!plz "blz" only!

    ive been all over the net now looking for somone to agree with me that the blz bud when finished looks so bad, ive done 3 seperate growsnow all with dense but the ugliest darkest green ive ever seen n a bud, even after cure there was no loss of the dark dark green, and the smell is so shit ! i...
  3. Cognotive-theory

    8 weeks Flower all leaves dry yellow and going crispy

    Is my plant still producing with almost all leaves dead ?
  4. Cognotive-theory

    8 weeks Flower all leaves dry yellow and going crispy

    yeh man - ive been trying to upload photos for the last hour !!! if i keep trying, im afraid i wont have a computer soon as ill be swinging it out my window. anyway i still have some green leaf about but its all dry and could snapp if i bent them....... id rather not cut now as id like to see...
  5. Cognotive-theory

    8 weeks Flower all leaves dry yellow and going crispy

    im just about to hit 8 weeks flower - at 3 weeks flower my leaves started yellowing and going crispy and dying and been going eversince . all leaves at this point (whats left) now (8 wks) are dry crispy and can easily be snapped including new small leaves that form at the tops. buds seem fine...
  6. Cognotive-theory

    Mainly big fan Leaves going yellow 3 weeks Bloom - dying from top to bottom ? not PH !-using biobizz

    sorry , this is my first ever grow, is it looking any good to anyone ? buds dont seem very dense ! hope thats normal for week 5 ? thanks for the help guys, i think im going to give her a feed of biobizz grow and a lil bloom with it, my biobizz products dont state any NPK on both bottles grow...
  7. Cognotive-theory

    Mainly big fan Leaves going yellow 3 weeks Bloom - dying from top to bottom ? not PH !-using biobizz

    im all out on dosh, i have bio bizz grow and bloom and ph up and down that is it, if dried blood is the only way to go, my plant is going to die then ?
  8. Cognotive-theory

    Mainly big fan Leaves going yellow 3 weeks Bloom - dying from top to bottom ? not PH !-using biobizz

    nitrogen nutes ??? im using bio bizz nutes (grow) and (Bloom) can i just give my plant a higher dose of grow with my bloom ? will that sort my N out ?
  9. Cognotive-theory

    Mainly big fan Leaves going yellow 3 weeks Bloom - dying from top to bottom ? not PH !-using biobizz

    thanks mandy that helps. im using biobizz grow and bloom, shall i give her 1 to 1 ratio of both on her next feed ? seems wrong to not give her any bloom at 5 weeks ?
  10. Cognotive-theory

    Mainly big fan Leaves going yellow 3 weeks Bloom - dying from top to bottom ? not PH !-using biobizz

    i dont know about funghus gnats ? i do know i have tiny lil worm like bugs in my soil that are cream in colour, i read tht they were no biggie and can help in some cases when it comes to mold, forgot what they were called ?
  11. Cognotive-theory

    Mainly big fan Leaves going yellow 3 weeks Bloom - dying from top to bottom ? not PH !-using biobizz

    blz bud - 400 HPS Soil biobizz grow and bloom Temps are fine i think airflow is adequate ... PH Fine Mainly - the big fan leaves started yellowing from bottom to top and eventually dying at 3 weeks in flower and im now on week 5. and they are still slowly dying, flower time for this strain is...
  12. Cognotive-theory

    Looking For Diamond og kush seeds - best place online ?

    im looking to get hold of some diamond og kush seeds but i dont know wher i can get them from and is it ok to order online ? does it raise suspision in a country wher it is illegal - the UK ?
  13. Cognotive-theory

    Cauliflower like buds with hairs

    heres a few cant get close enuff to the cauliflower tho. the defeciency is in there too, any questions ask, im new, could do with tips :)
  14. Cognotive-theory

    Cauliflower like buds with hairs

    sorry bout the pics phone wont get close enough for a good one, its not really clear in those photos.... you need to get in real close.. im not really sure whats available wher i am, its the first grow, i had brown rust spots form on a few leaves a couple weeks ago work its way from bottom to...