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  1. H

    Nonbelievers And Believers Alike, I Have A Question For You..

    sweeet, i've got a bridge to sell you my friend, lol. If there is a magic man in the sky who knows everything, then he knows exactly what it would take to convince me of his existence. He also knows what it would take to convince every other skeptic in the world. The fact that i don't...
  2. H

    The 10 Idiocies of Atheism

    my favorite is the third. they sure are idiots for wanting you to explain some logically inconsistent medieval nonsense. you have to take it on faith, right? says the confidence man to the dope...
  3. H

    Michigan Hops

    if you have a local homebrew shop they will almost certainly have some rhizomes come early to mid april. i would recommend a hardy and vigorous hybrid like cascade. my cascade yields around 10-15 times what my fuggles and tettnanger used to yield (before i killed them). just so you know...
  4. H

    How and when to top????

    i read a great little post about this topic not long ago: have fun and happy growing
  5. H

    These damn GNATS!! Sand Method?? I THINK SO!

    I recommend mosquito dunks. You should be able to get them at your local big box hardware store. Just make sure you look at the ingredients and get the kind with BT v. I (Bacillus Thurigiensis v. Israelensis). Crush up one of them next time you water, the gnats will be gone in around 10 days...
  6. H

    How Do You Tell Someone God Won't Heal Them?

    that is so sad. i would say just encourage her to do her homework before she puts her money in the plate, anyone telling her that they can heal her is trying to steal from her. that is just about the foulest thing anyone can do.
  7. H

    Pruning technique for plants grown under T5HOs?

    Hi Robert, I think you'll be better off in the future if you keep those fan leaves on, they are the 'factory' where your plant is producing the food it needs to grow and flower. Your plant will be able to sense if the leaves are not producing and will kill them itself. If you want branching...