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  1. S

    y r my plants not flowering???

    I'm using sun light. I don't know what strain it is. I threw some seeds in a pot and this is what I got. I had to take it out the window because it's getting to big. I don't know what to do with it...
  2. S

    y r my plants not flowering???

    I have plants that doesn't seem to be followering, they're growing straight up and looks good but doing nothing. I need advice. They're about 2 months and over 12 inches tall. What do I do know???
  3. S

    flowering taking forever!!! HELP!

    Sorry to be hyjacking someone else. I'm new on this site and learning...
  4. S

    flowering taking forever!!! HELP!

    I threw some seeds in a pot of soil and they started to grow. Out of 50 plants, only 5 servived. I kept the pot in the back window where there is lots of light, the next thing I knew she was growing fast. Someone told me to pluck the top off and let it sprout out at the bottom. It did and it's...
  5. S

    flowering taking forever!!! HELP!

    Why is my plant growing tall and not flowering. Help this newbie...