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  1. growtender

    foxfarm big bloom

    I think you're right on about Big Bloom. I'm only two hydro grows in and I started with Fox Farm. The Big Bloom/Grow Big/ Tiger Bloom trio works well enough. I'm going to move on to Botanicare Pure Blend but I'm gonna continue using Big Bloom because it has done wonders for my roots. I did stop...
  2. growtender

    Which nutes do we use first on VEG? big bloom or grow big??

    It's called big bloom but it is actually more a micronutrient/microbial compost tea that is good to use for the entire grow. So you use grow big with some big bloom during veg and tiger bloom with some big bloom for flowing. Bad name for it because it's misleading. I'm new to growing and just...
  3. growtender

    How close can a HPS get?

    I have a 600W HPS with separate 400CFM ventilation. My girls have gotten all the way to the glass without showing signs of heat stress. I did bend and tie down the few colas that got that high, and I can put my hand right up against the glass. It's warm, but not hot enough to be uncomfortable...
  4. growtender

    I Need Your Opinion on Hydro Ph for Flowering

    Smaller rez equals wild PPM and pH swings. I run 12 plants off a 15 gal rez in budding stage and life is easy for top off. Nutes usually lower pH, and my rez is big enough to keep my PPM at 1400 and pH at 5.80ish with a 2 gal top off every 3-4 days with no pH UP. That's the trick: a big enough...
  5. growtender

    I Need Your Opinion on Hydro Ph for Flowering

    I think that you might be referencing the wrong chart. For a soil based grow (left colum of chart you posted) K and Mg get close to the end of their ideal absorbtion ranges (but not cut off). In hydro the pH range is different, and ideal ranges diminish much higher. That's why folks are saying...
  6. growtender

    Seedlings under T5's: how close and what temp?

    I do plan on keeping them trimmed evenly, mainlining and manifolding essentially. I have some supplementary lights I will use once the need arises, but pretty quickly they'll be heading to the flowering room under an HPS. Only aiming to do get to 12-18" of height before switching over.
  7. growtender

    Seedlings under T5's: how close and what temp?

    Hey guys. My first batch of indoor grown just coming up. I did have a false start and had to wipe a whole crop because I switched from T12 to T5 and got a little over zealous with how close the lights were to the seedlings (about 2 inches). They all immediately sunburned and I couldn't save...