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  1. TexCani

    The spore depot question

    I recieved my spores from thesporedepot today and got an extra one for free. Texas Yellow Cap and Amazonian syringes
  2. TexCani

    The spore depot question

    I totally ment the spore depot
  3. TexCani

    The spore depot question

    Has anyone used this vendor? I'm a little sketched out with mixed reviews and was wondering..thanks
  4. TexCani

    First Grow which plant?

    Autoflowering for sure, and also a great plant to start off with is a mids plant that is usauly grown in your enviroment and take good care of it for maximum potency
  5. TexCani

    Marijuana Pills?

    The oil should melt the capsules or make them too soggy to swallow because that is its job to do when its in your stomach, if you can dry it and ground it up then it just might work
  6. TexCani

    Yellowing Leaves on 3 week old plant.

    I think its possible that those leaves can die, those were the first leaves in the seed and were grown to grow bigger leaves, anyways I think that the reason is because over watering like I have done.
  7. TexCani

    1st grow. BUNCH of questions

    12) 3 feet at minimum
  8. TexCani

    First Outdoor Grow

    Try growing it in your largest window or the one that has access to the most light, and Ide grow it inside for like 3-4 weeks and then take it outside
  9. TexCani

    Outdoor Grow in California

    Top your plant to keep it small and bushy by taking some of the fan leaves and a few other leaves, also use Low stress training to extend it horizontaly and not grow any higher.
  10. TexCani

    First Outdoor Grow

    Try growing it for sometime inside until it is strong enough to grow in a bit lower tempetures.
  11. TexCani

    First Grow - Need some information

    Thanks man and yes, Im pretty sure all the weed we get here good or bad is from mexico.
  12. TexCani

    First Grow - Need some information

    The sun is its wattage haha
  13. TexCani

    First Grow - Need some information

    This is my first grow,and its just a mid seed from a strain in Texas called "Corn", and from its looks I think my plant looks healthy, But I need to know whether its growth was stunt from switching soil and using fertilizer that I found out was for blooming, but it still seems to grow fast. So...