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  1. X

    odor control problems

    That should work ducktape, check out this smaller DIY
  2. X

    CFL DWC Grow

    Update I guess. Thanks foul, it still needs a lot of work though; go for it DWCs are pretty easy. I got a new 150w HPS light. My plants have been under 12/12 for 2 weeks 1day now. One plant has shown white hairs the other two haven't so I'm going to wait a couple days to be sure, though...
  3. X

    CFL DWC Grow

    So this is my first real attempt at a grow. I'm doing this grow for experience so if they die it's whatever, but lets hope not . That's why I've decided to make a Journal anyone can post here; all your ideas and experience/advice are welcomed. So lets get started: Cabinet: I built my cab from...