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  1. T

    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    Update: 12th JAN 2011(day 22): some more LST. 16th JAN 2011(day 26): some more LST and some root shots. 17th JAN 2011(day 27): took them out for a nutes flush and some more LST. roots are fused with each other! oops. they're getting cramped. will force them to...
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    8th JAN 2011(Day 18): 1 day after FIMMING, root growth has been pretty awesome! still on the 18/6 cycle. Got my TDS Meter. initial reading was 168*10 PPM? is that right? 9th JAN 2011(Day 19): 2 days after FIMMING, Have flushed reservoir again increasing nutes dosage. Keeping...
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    6th JAN 2011 (day 16): Did some LST on all plants 7th JAN 2011 (day 17): Fimmed 3 plants. Checked the root growth.... unbelievable speed!
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    P10p: Cheers for kind words! I''ll try the 18/6 cycle tonight. How long should I keep that schedule for? Yeh I raised it a bit for the pics, but usually its around 1-2" above the plants. The lone cfl is probably not doing much, but once my fittings arrive, it should be a massive difference.
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    5th JAN 2001 (day 15th): Flushed the nutes water once already and been keeping pH around 5-6. Pretty good growth right now, since most roots are in contact with the nutes. Have changed to 20/4 due to leaves starting to curl. Still waiting on more light fittings etc Reckon 8 26w bulbs are...
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    2nd JAN 2011(day 12): have grown quite an amount, roots have started to show coming out through my home made net pots. keeping them on 24/0 for the last week or so. should i keep it down to 18/6 or something?
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    30th DEC 2010(day 9): finally got to make this bubbler unit. Used a 8L black storage container with some Styrofoam and a air pump. Currently using DutchTreat as nutes. Have ordered pH meter, PPM meter, Weather Station, 4 to 1 fitting for 4 CFL's. So current total CFL wattage is 3*34W +...
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    My first indoor CFL grow in a Phototron 3000SX[Modified]

    Hey guys and girls, Hey guys, I had a crack at growing some green outdoors and did okay, so now moving onto trying to grow it inside. A mate has lent me his Phototron 3000SX grow box. It has 3* 32W bent fluoros in it. Appears to be ~6000K. I germinated a 8 seeds on the wet paper...
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    Indoor hydro set up help.

    Hey guys, have been brainstorming recently and have come up with some modifications that i would like to perform on the box. PSU 120mm fan(top exhaust fan) 4* 80mm fans on sides blowing in(might use more) Automotive HID ballast and bulb. 4300k or 6000k have a 1 or 2 bulbs/ballasts laying...
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    Indoor hydro set up help.

    Hey guys, I had a crack at growing some green outdoors and did okay, so now moving onto trying to grow it inside. A mate has lent me his Phototron 3000SX grow box. It has 3* 32W bent fluoros in it. Also has globe mount modified into the box. Current not sure what globe to use in its...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    update on my cannababies :) when should i harvest? is it when all pistils are brown? sorry about the quality of pics, shitty camera!
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    My first ever time growing weed down under

    thanks for the advice! no records, im such a good boy. =]
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    hey this is progress on some unknown seeds i planted.
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    My first ever time growing weed down under

    Cheers man, it has taken a while! Strictly bud, i wanna smoke my own produce! haha Thought it was sativa strain.
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    My first ever time growing weed down under

    For my love of weed, I thought I would give it a crack. I'm a very hands on type of person so this was a little project I started. These babies started off life in late April '10. Germinated from unknown seeds on cotton, and then transferred to Peat Pellets. By late May, I...