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  1. smut junkie

    ph fluctuations

    get a grip ladies, if any of us get busted the last thing we will worry about is if someone made an offensive statement just answer the fucking question
  2. smut junkie

    ph fluctuations

    when growing in soil, what should the ph of the drain water be? i have two plants. when using just tap water(ph of 7.4 after 2 days of evaporation) to water in between nutes, i have 1 plant with ph in basin of 6.2 and another with 6.7 i normally adjust the ph to be 6.5 to 6.8 everytime i...
  3. smut junkie

    dope seeds no longer ships to us

    anyone know why dope seeds doesnt ship to the us anymore
  4. smut junkie

    stranger still

    stranger still
  5. smut junkie

    Trustworthy seed banks!!

    dope-seeds hasn't failed me yet although there doesn't seem to be a discrete option for shipping your order i did a small test buy of five feminised cheese seeds on a sunday night and got them by the next saturday if you email them with legit concerns about your order (be nice) they will usually...
  6. smut junkie

    Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds

    its nothing more than a ponzie scheme like bernie madoff over 130 links to this site and if you are an "affiliate" you can get a cut of the take total bullshit its almost imposible not to be directed to this site if you're a first time buyer ive felt safer around gun carrying crackheads than...