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  1. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    haha right? wishfull thinking i guess... o well ill acctuly plant seeds soon and give a marij plant a good effort
  2. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    dam not even a lil? lol
  3. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    thankya verr much for the picture help.. still crossing my fingers for a girl
  4. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    not great pictures but i think theyll tell you if she is a she.. or if she is even marijuana!!! please help
  5. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...
  6. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    I feel stupid but this plant is looking like a male. I really dont know but the pics ive been looking at tell me its a HE. Ill get some pictures later today so the experts can help me out
  7. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    It looks alot better. I am keeping it outside though, on my pourch so it gets lots of sun. The next morning when i check on it, it looked completly normal again, the droopyness must have been shock or I may have cut the roots a lil.. I working on getting pictures, cant find the wire to upload...
  8. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    hahah well i smoke on my pourch all the time, when ever i find seed i toss em so i wasnt too suprised. it was in good shape seeing as i didnt know she was alive... im still doubting that i will see any bud from this plant but im gonna try.. but the weird part is I live in New England, harsh...
  9. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    Lol, yea it was deep in the yard... But Thank you everybody for the advice and I will get some pics tommarow so I can know where I stand
  10. M

    NEED HELP! Found a plant in my yard...

    So I found a plant in my back yard, did some research and it has white hairs on the branches so apparently it will bud? idk im a rookie. But i tried to move the plant into a flower pot so I could take better care of it. Within 5 min of being in her new home the plant started drooping and looking...