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  1. C

    Hydro first try fail

    I was Chilling the water. I got that unit after my problem had started
  2. C

    Hydro first try fail

    Yes, the tubes between are just return lines to the Res. Thanks for the tips!
  3. C

    Hydro first try fail

    Ya, I hope to learn from the Pro Mix/ Pearlite set up and then take it up a notch to Hydro after that. My buddy does very very well with ProMix/ Pearlite 50/50
  4. C

    Hydro first try fail

    While watering tonight I noticed that two Clones were actually Male and one was already Polinating while the other was probably just days away. Scary!! How can Clones be such mature Polinating Males already? Crazy
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    Hydro first try fail

    Thanks Elfood Stampo! I picked up "The Bible" and literally watch every youtube video I can. I found the bible a little weak on the Hydro section. I did have very dark purple stems and veins in the leaves! I agree, over fed and killed. Everybody told me not to worry because you can't...
  6. C

    Hydro first try fail

    Hey DeeTee, Thanks for posting the pics! You're not kidding at all when you say that the suggested dosage is waaaay too much. Burned the crap out of them the first week so that was stress #1 of my grow. The next mistake was adding too much PH down the next week and having to do an...
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    Hydro first try fail

    Hi Reddiamond! Yes things will get better for sure.. Funny thing is that the Hydro store guy I bought my stuff from said to put drip tube right at the base. Last Dime I ever spend there!!! You'd think that when you spend over 10 G's at a store they would give you good tips. Always hard...
  8. C

    Hydro first try fail

    Hi Treehorn! Thanks! I tried my best to make a clean room. The orange spot on the floor is the residue from where my roof started to leak after I built my room. The fan is a Can Fan Max 14" and is speed controllable ans is awesome quiet. The Carbon filter is also from the same company but...
  9. C

    Hydro first try fail

    Hi all! Just thought I'd share my failed attempt video with you. It has been a humbling experience to put so much work into something to just fail in the end. All Suggestions are welcome. My next try will be in Pro Mix and Pearlite.