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  1. damn aint nothing left

    fringes curling up

    so i flushed a second time and there was no response, then i started on nutes and once again nothing happened..... but now the plant next to it it having the same problem only on the leaves closest to the origional plant??? it's like it's contagious. both plants are still growing fine any ideas...
  2. damn aint nothing left

    fringes curling up

    please. any ideas??
  3. damn aint nothing left

    fringes curling up

    hey guys one of my plants is 23 days old and has had no nutes yet but the fringes are curling up and i was told it was either nutelockout or heat stress, so i flushd and moved the lights back with no luck. i'm growing in mg (bad noobie i know!) with 2 40 watt t12s in 5 gallon pots watering with...
  4. damn aint nothing left

    Smokable house plant?

    alaska.... growth for up to 25 plants is completely legal by state law( for personal use), cops cannot even enter a house based on the smell of marijuana... and if you live out in the valley most people wouldn't break in or be able to tell what it was from the street... but in town break ins...
  5. damn aint nothing left

    How to use tap water???

    hey i'm pretty new, only 23 days in, but i was told tap water can be safe if you allow it to sit out in an open container for 24 hours before you use it, i'd also ph tst it. oh is it city water or well water mines city water and it works fine... i asked this same question so i'm just passing on...
  6. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    well i have flushed this plant and moved the lights back and i opened the second door to the closet.... results: temp drop to 72-75 plants stretchd to reach light in only 6 hours (full inch i ws damn impressed) and now the top fringes are curling to!! would re-poting into fresh soil help or...
  7. damn aint nothing left

    My plant is 15 days old and is tiny

    i'm no pro.... in fact i'm only 22 days into my first grow, but your in the right place to talk to the pros. how far away is the bulb? what are the pot size? and watering schedules, temperature, air flow the more info the better the diagnosis.... i was also told if using tap to let it sit out at...
  8. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    yeh it was all in good old sarcasm friend, i don't think flame throwers are humane lol:mrgreen: and this is the most fun leaning ive ever had!!! you guys are great teachers.....:joint::peace::peace:
  9. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    yeah i'm using mg for my first and my ph stays at 6-6.5(6.5 recently)... but i'm using the cheap walmart testers i can't find a diggy meter in town i want one but may have to order it. 7 of 8 look good an i'm glad only one has this problem but i will most likely try peat moss and worm casings...
  10. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    hmm..... i should of said i was growing in dirt, my bad. any way i gave her a shit ton of water yesterday and she's not lookin better (but not worse just the same), but the leaves on top look fine, is it just a matter of time before they curl up??? god just come over with a flame thrower and...
  11. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    yeah i have them in five gallon pots is it going to be safe to give em so much water it runs out the bottom??? shes only 6 inches talls.... poor little gal...:cry:
  12. damn aint nothing left

    Are my plant too tall?

    yeah..... would those rock wool cube things be better for the clones too?? and i have to wait till they get a foot before i can clone or top right???
  13. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    ok the pics are kinda fuzzy but not too bad..... the the spots that look kinda yellow are the bottoms of the leaves where they folded over...
  14. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    naw it doesn't ever get over 77 degrees and my camera's way fuzzy... i'll have to ride it out and see.. the only other thing i noticed was a soggy smell from that room when i got home so i backed off on watering them to let em dry a little extra.. but all the plants look good except the one...
  15. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    two 40 watt t12's bout a half inch above plants.. actually that plants shorter than the rest maybe an inch below...
  16. damn aint nothing left

    Leaves curled up.. probably noob paranoia....

    the ends of the leaves on one of my plant seems to be curling up, i notced it about a week ago but now just about all the leaves are. i looked online and most sites said it was a Magnesium deficiency but there is no discoloeration. am i just paranoid? i'd post pics but my camera sucks... oh ph...
  17. damn aint nothing left

    Are my plant too tall?

    alright guys i got nothing to bother you with today i just figured i'd post a few pics, three weeks old and starting nutes in a few days........
  18. damn aint nothing left

    Legal questions ??

    damn that's fucked up i glad i herd tha i got a million and one baggies and my old diggy in a kitchen drawer, i'm fucked if they come in!!!!
  19. damn aint nothing left


    hey im starting nutes in about 4 days... if i start on a 1/4 dose how long before i can move it up to half??
  20. damn aint nothing left

    Are my plant too tall?

    yeah but i got one more for ya! i got cool daylights and cool whites... both i read are good for vegging but is it better to mix em or just use one or the other, and which one?? i ask cause the daylights are much brigter and for some reason i naturally want to think this is better just cause...