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  1. D

    New LED

    I just hung a 90 watt UFO over 5 plants and the growth rate is amazing. I hope to post a pix soon as the 9 lobed leaves are some of the largest I've ever seen.
  2. D

    wilt and die

    I babied a rogue plant that came up outside and one day at the beginning of the flowering period it just up and wilted. It looked like lack of water but after it was watered it never got up. Now I have 2 seedling doing that. Could it be the hard water that comes from my tap and would water...
  3. D

    A whole lot of fresh leaf trim

    Click on FAQ in the right upper corner of this page and it gives you a recipe for cannaoil.
  4. D

    Why are some UFO LED's more expensive than others?

    I just got a UFO and love it. It is much larger than it looks in pix's and has enough lite for a 6X6 room. It has it's own fans and if you go to ebay, you can buy a new one for under $200.00. Good luck and have a nice trip.