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  1. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    REALLY? You can test smoke it before all this drying / curing / etc? Won't it be so disgusting and make you pretty much choke your ass off??
  2. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    this is an empty bedroom that hasn't been used for years so yea dusty and dry! Plus this house is really old. I've put in a fan and leave the door open now so it gets the air circulation the rest of the house does. What would you recommend to get rid of these things? Tomorrow I'll vacuum and...
  3. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    Now that they have been harvested (see previous post + pics) is there anything else I should do or will the mites just die or move on during drying and curing?
  4. d1verse

    Can't post pics says missing token

    I tried just attaching one pic at a time and it worked perfectly!
  5. d1verse

    Can't post pics says missing token

    Same here, I've posted pics before but now I get that error :(
  6. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    Well, I started noticing some very thin webs on some of the buds a few days ago, and today I noticed these wicked small white things crawling in the webs. I decided to harvest today and cut off all the big leaves and as much of the little ones as I could without damaging the buds. I had some...
  7. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    Thanks for the info! I soaked them with the houseplant concentration of regular Miracle Gro (1 teaspoon per gallon of water) about 48 hours ago. I _think_ I see the leaves getting greener. I could just be anticipating it though! I plan on watering with a very very weak Miracle Gro mix (1/4...
  8. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    I just used a weak dose of miracle gro, hopefully that will resolve the nitrogen issue. I don't really want to use it again but I figured since I have a month or so to go it won't harm the buds. Hope I'm not too wrong!
  9. d1verse

    First Attempt, 4 wk Flower

    Well this is my first attempt. Random seeds I collected. Used 6500k CFL for 3 months 24hr light. Switched to 2500k CFL 12/12 light about 4 weeks ago. About a week after flowering the leaves started turning yellow and most of the lower leaves dried up and died. Not sure if this is normal. Other...