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  1. B

    Wakin Bacon Closet Grow

    shit looks good bro i am now on my first grow and from reading your whole journal i helped me with a few problems of my own.
  2. B

    noob need help

    ok thank you everyone for the information
  3. B

    noob need help

    thank you everyone for the help i just have one more question the light i have now is a 2foot 2 tube is that sufficient light to have the till flower? im only doing about a foot and half then switching light. and if not when should i switch the light out.
  4. B

    noob need help

    also today is the 12th day they have sprouted the seed
  5. B

    noob need help

    ok thanks for the advice do you think that light is sufficient or should it be switched out or added? and yea my cat accidentally got to that plant and bit a few leafs off i just havent gotten up the courage to scrap them yet do you believed they are ruined? they have been moved out of his...
  6. B

    noob need help

    another question i had was would the 400w light be a fire hazard in that closet it is made of cloth but i have a cooltube and that fan that is in the front and i was thinking about getting fireproof spray for the walls of the closet
  7. B

    noob need help

    i am watering every 2-3 days and the ph is 7 and i am also looking for a good soil ph tester
  8. B

    noob need help

    Hey i am currently doing my first grow i have 1 400w MH and 1 T5 2foot 2 bulb. right now i have the t5 on 6 1 inch plants. any tips would be great ive noticed that the first leaves of the plant have started to turn yellow i was thinking that maybe this could be a lack of light. im using miracle...