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  1. Burningreen89

    Can you tell if my plant is a male yet?

    Ok thanks every one .
  2. Burningreen89

    Can you tell if my plant is a male yet?

    Ok. Thanks . The color of stem and leaves are dark green with so dark purple coloring is the type of strain ?
  3. Burningreen89

    Can you tell if my plant is a male yet?

    I have read online the males will grow balls . Well not sure if I can or can not see a balls but this is why I am posting this . I not sure if they are too young to tell they are 3 weeks .
  4. Burningreen89

    Second leaves coming in looking odds .

    Thanks terry . Jartlow not flooding a thing if so not me I am useing cell to use the site so that might be the reason however some of my photos "pics" may have been post again due to the fact it's hard to upload photo on cell without the app for this site . Sorry if it upsets you if so you can...
  5. Burningreen89

    Second leaves coming in looking odds .

    I can't wait for my babies get that big . How old are your plants
  6. Burningreen89

    Second leaves coming in looking odds .

    Not sure about the white I have misted them I was thinking maybe just spots from the water drying . Well I hope. Hey the one plant's stem is dark like a dark pink and the other plant's stem is green could that mean anything .
  7. Burningreen89

    Are my babies ok ???

    Ok but they are both in the same soil same room I take care of both of them at same time ......
  8. Burningreen89

    Second leaves coming in looking odds .

    Haha ok I read that wrong sorry nutes not nuts. I am slow people haha
  9. Burningreen89

    Second leaves coming in looking odds .

    Jiffy natural & organic seedling starting mix. Nuts ? I seen many post about nuts I am not sure when or how to use them or why ? I know only one other grower on my area and I asked the and they don't use nuts and they seem to have great bud . Is nuts a must ?
  10. Burningreen89

    Second leaves coming in looking odds .

    I have two plants the first ones seconds leaves came in as I think they should but this ones second leaves are coming in odd and info anyone is willing to share are welcomed
  11. Burningreen89

    Are my babies ok ???

    Hey like to share more photos of my babies I just took . Let me know what you all think . Thanks
  12. Burningreen89

    Lighting for seedling ?

    Ok well I am sorry everyone I was way off it's more like 2 weeks /14 day old seedling do they look well for 14 day old ?
  13. Burningreen89

    Are my babies ok ???

    Yeah get that a lot I rather not get into private issues but let's just say it's a medical issue I have for year but whatever it's all good .
  14. Burningreen89

    Are my babies ok ???

    I would like to take back that statement it has only been 2 weeks/14day I do that a lot lose track of time .
  15. Burningreen89

    Lighting for seedling ?

    What should I do ?
  16. Burningreen89

    Lighting for seedling ?

    Are they small for being 4-5 weeks old ?
  17. Burningreen89

    Lighting for seedling ?

    Sorry but like said I am very new . Flashlight ??
  18. Burningreen89

    Lighting for seedling ?

    Not really sure I picked them up at walmart they are indoor grow lights as the say on the package they are fluorescent I have two
  19. Burningreen89

    Lighting for seedling ?

    Here they are I am only growing two I want to say they are 4-6 weeks old