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  1. TheCannabis

    SLOW Growth?

    This plants are a month old I live in northern cali and why are they so small? I don't get how people have bigger plants in solo cups then these from seed
  2. TheCannabis

    Transplant/hot pots?

    When should I transplant my babies there 4 cirtical hog There about a week and 1/2 old what size Also I noticed my solo cups get pretty hot since they get about 9 hours of direct sunlight a day would hot cup stress root growth thanks
  3. TheCannabis

    First indoor grow - Bag seed

    They look over watered
  4. TheCannabis

    Start Seed Indoor or Outdoors?

    Thanks for the advice i might try half fox and happy frog i have heard good things about those two mixed thanks bwg707 for your advice too goodluck everyone on your growing this year will know know where to turn too if i have problems thank you
  5. TheCannabis

    Start Seed Indoor or Outdoors?

    What you think about prune pots? Or also know as smart pots to they work also you think some ocean fox farm with 30 perlite will soft the soil for better oxygen to the roots? For faster growth
  6. TheCannabis

    Start Seed Indoor or Outdoors?

    Should I start my seeds indoor under 400w with a 20/4 light cycle then a month later maybe reduce light by 2 hours a week to put outdoor so they veg a little longer without flowering to early OR should I just start my seeds outdoors I live in northern Cali I get about 14 hours of light I just...
  7. TheCannabis

    Best time For clones outside?

    Whens the best time to put clones outside without them flowering? I put some out in april 20 and they flowered i live in northern Cali dont want them to flower then reveg big waste of time thanks seeds just stress me out bad luck bugs always eat them!!!
  8. TheCannabis

    leafy Bud?pics

    Yeah i just threw them out in feb with no nuts but im ready for this summer ill be on my A game this where just to throw out there and see results with just plain old water and fox farm soil ill be using coco outdoor
  9. TheCannabis

    leafy Bud?pics

    Anyways i just harvested an outdoor grow i trimmed the buds wet and after 4 days they got pretty dry but do you think its still to leafy? Opinions thanks! Strain is hindu skunk sorry about my dry hands pretty sticky can has a strong smell too it
  10. TheCannabis

    1st out door greenhouse 2014

    dang your plants are getting huge, I started some seeds since my clones are flowering already and they might take the whole dam summer to reveg wasting a lot of veg time keep the thread going plants look nice!
  11. TheCannabis

    Seeding to late?

    shoot I was getting nervous cus I really want to shoot for a pound lol first outdoor grow and I live in norcal
  12. TheCannabis

    Seeding to late?

    I was wondering if i plant from seed today will i be able to produce a pound from seed or is this too late and should have started with clones will be using pruning root pots with coco?
  13. TheCannabis

    First journal, 2nd grow

    lol sorry I was high when I posted that comment obviously there in flower anyways have you ever though of using smart pots?
  14. TheCannabis

    1st out door greenhouse 2014

    yea ive been hitting mine with start nitrogen feeds but there still flowering fucking annoying your plants going to be monster if there vegging right now shoot just give me one lol I did a coco vs ocean fox farm grow and the coco looks a way more happier then the one in soil and I hear good...
  15. TheCannabis

    1st out door greenhouse 2014

    Also this is going to be my first outdoor grow and im going to use coco/smart pots i want at least a pound
  16. TheCannabis

    1st out door greenhouse 2014

    Looking good! Where these clones or from seed im starting over clones went intp flowering -.- just got some loud dream seeds from the seed bank last night cant wait
  17. TheCannabis

    1st out door greenhouse 2014

    Wanna see an update on your pics lol couldnt find this dam thread
  18. TheCannabis

    Whats Trim?

    Hello Rollitup i was wondering what is trim when ppl say a pound of trim for a donation of 200 dollars are the talking about sugar leafs ,steam and fan leafs etc OR Just Sugar leafs with small Buds i am confused whats trim does it include the fan leafs? Thank you
  19. TheCannabis

    CA Laws Help!!!

    The 10 acre property isnt covered in. Trees at all or else i would just plant few here and there anyways i do have a rec i just ordered a greenhouse 10x20x8 i just worried cause its my first outdoor grow and i am only 20 years old i do not want to be busted with cultivation lol its not like im...
  20. TheCannabis

    flowering already?

    How long have they be flowering for also wait another week to be 100% its boy or female