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  1. V

    First Attempt CFL Closet Grow Shiva Skunk

    Plant harveted too early, it had a leat 1 more eek
  2. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    Here are some more pics of day 34 flower. tell me what you think any advise os welcome. I am ussing plagrom green sensations and canna flores, co2 tabs aswell. these are 6l pots. the shortest plant is 30 cm NYCD and the tallest so far is the WW with 50 cm. I hope they all get betwenn 40 and 60...
  3. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    The leds are great. the photos are mistaken. the first is shouldbe the second. the second is around week 3 of flowering. The Lsds are not doing so well, they are lagging big time. I am not sure if that is normal?
  4. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    High everyone, sorry for not updating regularly. Well so far everything went well. i germinated 15 seeds, they all sprout, but 1 died at an early age. I am doing a kind of sog style with 16 plants. 4 Nycd, 4 BuBB Kuah, 3 Lsd, 3 ice, 1 shiva skunk and 1 white widow. the SSK and WW were clones...
  5. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    Hi everyone, sorry no pics yet, maybe tonite. I put all my seeds in glass with water. 4 Nycd, 4 BK, 3 ice and 4 lsd. Tonight i will be putting them in wet toilet paper for a day and then into coco jiffys. I wanted to put them directly into the jiffys but as i will be moving out of town for 2...
  6. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    I will try to post regularly with pics and everthing as soon as i start in about 3 weeks when i get the last piece of the puzzle(120w led ) which i will be using in the begginig alone to help save costs. Then in flower i will add the 180w + the 125 cfl bloom which should gime me a total of 425...
  7. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    My new setup is the same, 0.8x0.8x1.6m secret garden. I will be using 2 led panels, A) 180 3w B) 120w C) cfl 125( i have aonther 125 just in case I need it). I have a ventilator and a fan on the side to keep the ladys cool and fresh. Unfortunatly the room were the homebox is is not ventilated so...
  8. V

    growing 4 strains(Lsd,Ice,Nycd and Bubba kush) with led + cfl

    Hi fellow farmers, i am starting my 2 grow with the mentioned strains.My first grow was not so bad, but had too many strains and one plant hermied on me later on. so the quality was not so good and i had to take them down about 2 weeks early and the quality suffered much. But i still get a good...