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  1. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thats pretty scary. And puts you off buying bud. In the majority of cases you cant see/inspect the product before you get it in this country! Binning it all!
  2. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lol proceeds to bin it all!
  3. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The misses has been smoking it for a few weeks,no adverse effects to her she is completely fine even tho i have said its probably not a wise idea!she wont chuck it out even tho it dont taste great still gets ya mashed. There seems to be a 50/50 split making iso with off bud?
  4. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Bud got mildew then soaked it in h202, now its just gone shit n going to waste by the looks of it so gona run it trough the iso n see how it goes! Cheers m8
  5. B

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Sorry to jump in on the convo lads but planning on doing some qwiso! Anybody got any objection to this stuff don't fancy poising myself anytime soon! Cheers!
  6. B

    Potential Mold!

    It was washed for about 10-15 minutes. There was a lot of molasses used during grow. Got some that was not with this batch and it is totally different, completely "normal", good product. Defo happend during storage.stored it too damp :(
  7. B

    Potential Mold!

    Thanks. Budrot you think? Pretty sure it started from being not fully dry when stored to cure. What u think about running it through iso?
  8. B

    Potential Mold!

    Thanks. What do you think about running it through iso?
  9. B

    Potential Mold!

    Hahaha! To be honest it got washed coz didnt wanna "waste" bud, now its wet and smells shit. And i think it is moldy??
  10. B

    Potential Mold!

    Enough to make bubble but iv been reading about that and everyone is saying if its got mold, it will make it worse going in the water! Do you think it looks moldy? It smelt like ammonia with the pm, after the wash no pm just smells shit to be honest!still gets you stoned just does not taste too...
  11. B

    Potential Mold!

    So just picked this up.its damp because it had PM and washed using jorge cervantes method of h202!now i think its pretty much ruined and started molding up.any one experienced take a look and see what you think?