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  1. Dank You, More Please

    Curing with boveda 62% packs

    To clear up misinformation on the front page of this post: The Bovida packs are 2-way humidity control systems, using a gel solution consisting of water and a salt compound. This means that there is no "ideal" RH of the bud prior to tossing a Bovida pack in, there is also no need to "get the...
  2. Dank You, More Please

    Free Grow Software!

    Hey I'm a developer and would love to help you out with this, maybe turn it into a phone app? Do y'all have a GitHub for this? Message me if you want any help!
  3. Dank You, More Please

    Biggest yield to date/ what’s the wet vs dry weight conversion

    Awesome looking :leaf:!! Generally, finalWeight will be between 20-35% of freshWeight, or a driedRatio of between 0.20 - 0.35 If you'd like to determine more-or-less exactly how much weight you will lose, do the following: Take a representative nugger from the batch. Weight it, record...
  4. Dank You, More Please

    Haven't been on Rollitup since the end of 2012! It feels like a whole different world since...

    Haven't been on Rollitup since the end of 2012! It feels like a whole different world since then. Glad to be back in the community!
  5. Dank You, More Please

    Back at it again and currently recreating my grow lab to resume experimentation on hypotheses...

    Back at it again and currently recreating my grow lab to resume experimentation on hypotheses regarding plant-stress and potency/yield!
  6. Dank You, More Please

    Pie Eyed Brownie + CannaOil Recipe... Step by Step

    Yup that will give you a good medium dose. What I do is assume that 1 cup of oil will give me 12 doses which it will with this recipe, and add my bud accordingly. So for 18 grams and 24 doses you'd do Grams/Doses to figure out your per serving dose (.75g per serving in this case). The amount of...
  7. Dank You, More Please

    Seedlings... Is this nute burn?

    18/6 right now, until the other photos theyre in with go into flower. That will be 40 days into their 53 day finishing time. So I think that should be enough. Buddy of mine gave me three fem Big Devil seeds so I popped them. pH is 5.6
  8. Dank You, More Please

    Seedlings... Is this nute burn?

    Got 3 Big Devil Auto's going right now in with the rest of my plants. They're in solo cups, rockwool has a wick hanging through growstones into nutrient solution. I have the solution at about 500ppm, seedlings germinated on 11/15, and transplanted to solo cup on 11/28. It looks like nute...
  9. Dank You, More Please

    Need advice on passing drug tests.

    Yessss, was going to say this. Best investment ever for someone on probation. My friend has been using it for the last year and it's gotten him through every test. They sell clean synthetic urine that will work for the test or you can fill it with a friend's clean urine (riskier... since...
  10. Dank You, More Please

    Hermie Question

    That answers my question, if they are hermie I will pick out the bananas as i see them and hope the reverse helps with the rest. I feel the same way about a few seeds, if its dank its dank... I don't mind picking a bean out of a bowl every now and then if the smoke is worth it.
  11. Dank You, More Please

    Hermie Question

    Out of curiosity what makes you think they are from a hermaphrodite? Each seed is from a different bag also.
  12. Dank You, More Please

    Hermie Question

    I've been doing quite a bit of research on the subject. It seems that this product will not at all reverse genetic hermies, only stress induced. I'm moving in May of 2013 so I have to finish my grow by then, I think I may start over with feminized seeds since I am growing to sell. I'm just...
  13. Dank You, More Please

    Hermie Question

    Ok, I've just sexed my plants, and I have a few questions if someone with some experience and insight can help me out here. 9 out of 12 plants ended up being female, they all have the female alternating branch pattern as well which makes me think they are genetically female. And all were...
  14. Dank You, More Please

    Finished Sexing, is going straight to 18/6??

    Thank you for the tip! I'm actually moving cross-country after this grow so I unfortunately will not be able to keep a mother, but I will keep that in mind when I start back up in CO.
  15. Dank You, More Please

    Finished Sexing, is going straight to 18/6??

    So I just finished sexing, got my ladies in order (8 out of 12 seeds Female!!) and I'm about to go back to veg to grow them out a little more. My question is, can I go straight from 12/12 to 18/6 or should I do it gradual or do 24/0 for a day? Any advice would be appreciated, thanks!
  16. Dank You, More Please

    Bizarre problem!! Experienced needs help

    Male flowers can grow inside and between female flowers. If there is no male plant in your area then you have a hermie. Can't reverse the seeds now but you won't have many seeds man. I know your frustration but all you can do is keep going with the flowering. Just gonna have to pick a few seeds...
  17. Dank You, More Please

    Hygrozyme Reviews anyone?

    Alright should be moving my plants into their 3gal buckets tomorrow or Monday. I'll be splitting them half hygrozyme, half pondzyme. And splitting each of those with bacteria/no bacteria. So 4 groups will make up the experiment... Pondzyme with and without OrganismXL and Hygrozyme with and...
  18. Dank You, More Please

    Hygrozyme Reviews anyone?

    What do you do to maintain a cool res temp? I'm trying ice and frozen bottles but neither is working for long. I think that may be my biggest issue I'm at 70 degrees F. Also I'm using growstones which are proposed to have silica in them wether or not its enough to make a difference I don't know.
  19. Dank You, More Please

    Hygrozyme Reviews anyone?

    See my bottle has the exact same dosing directions but says right on the bottle "NOT FOR SALE OUTSIDE THE USA" so I assumed it was a US gallon. Why does America have to be so difficult! But I'm only using 3-5 ml per gallon so I should be right on the light dose i was going for then.
  20. Dank You, More Please

    Hygrozyme Reviews anyone?

    I'm only using 4-6 ml in 3 gallons which houses all my plants for the next few days ubtil sexing is over. I have noticed the pH increase from hygrozyme. Just added a little pondezyme to the res to see how that goes, will be changing the res Monday.I'm having an extremely hard time keeping res...