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  1. wannamarrymarijuana

    Outdoor Cannabis When to Harvest?

    I dont disagree with you being right, however im curious as to why your advice wouldnt be to check trichs with microscope. Im being sincere curious if regardless of the strain, youre able to tell by pics that buds can "look done" so to speak
  2. wannamarrymarijuana

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Depends on the affect youre looking for...clear, cloudy, and amber trichs have different u decide the type of "high" that is experienced
  3. wannamarrymarijuana

    Whatup Sub...been awhile...hope all is good. Started my 2nd Outdoor june 1st...they are lookin...

    Whatup Sub...been awhile...hope all is good. Started my 2nd Outdoor june 1st...they are lookin gorgeous!!!
  4. wannamarrymarijuana

    Am i Lucky?

    So now n again ill find a seed in a lb of top shelf bud, i decided this summer to throw em in some potters and see what happens. Would ya believe they all popped and just all happened to be female. Even the small white ones?! Idk the flavors but ive been takin good care of them within...
  5. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    A few years back we had some unecessary banter...i apologize for my part as i shouldve been less combative and more welcoming of any advice or info. Hope youre still doing your thing and enjoying the high life
  6. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    Thanx for last two posts....I appreciate level headed comments from ppl without hate...happy smoking!
  7. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    Also the weather was Shitty and i planted on July 10 so I'm sure with the same setup I'd humiliate u. This is 100% organic. Ash is completely white...smokes very smooth tastes amazing, smells ridiculous...and u can't try it. So be jelly on another thread Ur attention has been expired
  8. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    That was my bottom bud u fool...the last one harvested was first grow from a random seed u hater...Ur really the biggest attention fag I ever encountered...spew hate somewhere else oh and Ur shit will never be that icy homo.
  9. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

  10. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

  11. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    so much for a Charlie brown tree looks more like Christmas tree. I'll put up more pics ok u faggot cocksuckin offense
  12. wannamarrymarijuana

    Harvest w/ bud rot - Need advice ASAP!

    Ignore should I.toss them too? That was part of Ur quote LOL anyway if unsure abt bud Havin more rot..throw away and focus on the drying and proper curing of unaffected bud...focus on positive
  13. wannamarrymarijuana

    Harvest w/ bud rot - Need advice ASAP!

    I am dealing with same issue.....only 2 1/2 grams got bud bud rot was because rain and humidity been crazy here and my strain is super icy and moist to begin with. U reacted logically as I did same thing, cut, tossed bad and kept good...yes even the buds that I chopped the mold...
  14. wannamarrymarijuana

    needed Ur help tday...ill explain later...if possible...view my last thread...its entertaining

    needed Ur help tday...ill explain later...if possible...view my last thread...its entertaining
  15. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    No wonder....thats who u probably get Ur regs from lolol
  16. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    Yes that isn't the equivalent of I'm the best grower, that's I'm better than u....Lmfao that I actually had to just explain that...keep hittin submit without tragic!
  17. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    Who's next to get abused? What Ur friends here now? LOL good its easier to obliterate all at once anyway. Keep in mind...U ARE ALL ON MY THREAD!...That's right u came, felt stupid, now u can leave....did I hurt u all that u need to keep defending Ur stupidity. Or can't u accept the loss which...
  18. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    Don't worry bro...ill teach u how to get more trichs...daddys here
  19. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    I was told that by 10 ppl 2-3 weeks ago so...Idk anyways if the whole thing don't finish at same is 3 weeks an accurate answer...just sayin
  20. wannamarrymarijuana

    Ready anyone?

    Yea maybe if I were planning on somethin not personal. However, u apparently don't prefer quality over quantity. Well I do, and this was from a elbow I bought and found 1 seed, just so happened to be female which I threw in pot and the end results, sweet, super sticky, and sounds like u...