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  1. kash959

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    bunk.... do a search dude... there's millions of posts dedicated to this.
  2. kash959

    is 75-80 really optimum for marijuana?

    i was just checking the temperature today in lahore, pakistan and it's 38*C... it's going to be 44*C in a few days... now, i'm not an expert but marijuana manages to grow fine in these areas... and in fact being outdoors, yields considerably more.
  3. kash959

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    he's misting coz the humidity is very low... if it wasn't he wouldn't be misting. how many days in veg from seedling now? and how long you thinking of veggin b4 flowering?
  4. kash959

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    You should just do it once during mid-day (in plant day lol). if you do it too much the soil will be moist and then you wouldn't know when to water them because the top would look wet, but dry underneath. also, dont do it before lights go out coz it could bring mold. try that and see if the...
  5. kash959

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    yea for sure man. its especially hard near the end, in the last 2 weeks. The plants look done but believe me, if you wait, ye shall be greatly rewarded ;) with weed growing, one can confidently say: "good things come to those who wait" lol
  6. kash959

    seedling humidity 30-40%. will they die.. no humidity dome available

    but i got college tomorow and i won't be in house for like 8 hours soo was just wonderin
  7. kash959

    seedling humidity 30-40%. will they die.. no humidity dome available

    "grow a bit slower" :p lol if they are slow then i wonder what fast is. i'm wondering if they on steroids or something. no wonder its called a weed!! yea, i mean, from my readings i got an impression that less than 60% and they somehow die and stuff... but mine seem to be quite happy. As long...
  8. kash959

    seedling humidity 30-40%. will they die.. no humidity dome available

    so my seedlings seem to be doing fine in 30-40% humidity. just wanted to get some opinion. Has anyone had this humidity in seedling stage.
  9. kash959

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    it could be jst wind burn as u sed. u shud try misting once in a while if humidity is too low coz very low humidty and constant wind can strip moisture quicker than it can be replaced easily. a lil mist wont hurt the plant either
  10. kash959

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    when the leaves curl up its usually heat issue but i dnt see ow that cud b... av u got a hygrometer? temps/humidity info??
  11. kash959

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    ha ha lol as they say "the plants can feel your love" I was like tht with my first grow as well... it wass the only thing on my mind. With a bit more experience you'll get a feel for it and everything will go as you want it to i'm on my 4th grow now with CFLs and will post some pics when they a...
  12. kash959

    First grow. Day 5 Fish Tank Lights. Pics Attached.

    subscribed. for flowering you should get a bit more light and some ventilation. looking nice so far tho
  13. kash959

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    thats sum lush vegetation. gna give sum nice bud. wats ur temp n humidity like?
  14. kash959

    160 plant indoor grow

    damnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must have been sum damn hard work. +rep
  15. kash959

    Weedoozie's 1st (ADVICE WELCOME!)

    subscribed :)
  16. kash959

    cfl closet grow- first timer - day 25 of flowering

    no offence guys but people really need to stop recommending HPS to every first time CFL grower. listen friend, if you get an HPS, yes you will get a little bit more bud, but you will need to buy more fans and heat will become an issue. stick with CFL untill you know what's going on. personally...
  17. kash959

    160 plant indoor grow

    did u do this all on your own?? :o
  18. kash959

    A world with legalized weed

    lol, i was thinking where to put is but... oh well lol there shud be a shift function on this site. there probably is, i jst dnt know about it.
  19. kash959

    A world with legalized weed

    So, i am astonished that weed is still illegal. This energy CRISIS that we're in would be mitigated if growing pot was legalized considering how many people would stop using 1000W HIDs and what not and use natural sunlight. sigh...