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  1. chambone13

    Plants hermie in veg?

    Hello, I have a few older plants that I have nursed back to health, IN VEG, and was wondering if they were to "hermie" while in VEG, can they release pollen? Or does that only happen in FLOWERING stage. Thank you.
  2. chambone13

    Can anybody help?.....About to give up!

    Needhelp trying to figure out what is wrong with plants in the veg room. :wall: -Leaves are curling down and look like skinny "curly fries". They are green,for the most part, yet feel dry to the touch. Every couple of days we think that the problem is solved due to the fact that they seem like...
  3. chambone13

    Help,..Clone issues

    :cry: Here is the problem...The leaves feel dry, and almost near the crunchy state, and are drooping down. ALSO, the tops of the plants, (new growth), are curling like a "spring Like" appearance. I watered after transplanting, for easier removal from cups. Not sure if this is too much, or not...
  4. chambone13

    HELP...Green Algie on top of dirt.????

    Thanks alot...Will do.
  5. chambone13

    HELP...Green Algie on top of dirt.????

    I have a few established clones that are ready for transplant to larger growing medium. I noticed that there are a couple with green algie in the top of the dirt and about 2 inches down in the dirt. (When clear cup is pulled up out of red outter cup, this can be seen). I had to start these in a...
  6. chambone13

    Dry Harvest question......

    Any information in reference to my situation? I dried for about a week on a "Net-Rack" hanging system which works really good. A little too good. I jarred and burped for a few days and they are DRY as hell. ?? The buds are too dry and I need to add some weight / moisture back into the...
  7. chambone13

    Remoisturizing ??

    Any information in reference to my situation? I dried for about a week on a "Net-Rack" hanging system which works really good. A little too good. I jarred and burped for a few days and they are DRY as hell. ?? The buds are too dry and I need to add some weight / moisture back into the...
  8. chambone13

    Hash Bag???

    Thanks to both.
  9. chambone13

    Hash Bag???

    Im trying to figure out the name of the bag that involves useing DRY-ICE for aming hash powder. Not the BUBBLE BAG.... I checked GOOGLE with no luck. This is the method...I cannot locate the name of the bag or a location to purchase one. I tried...
  10. chambone13

    Hash bag needed.

    I am wondering if anybody knows the name of the bag that is used when useing DRY-ICE method. Its not a "Bubble Bag", it uses dry ice and has a series of lineings in it to "SHAKE" the hash dust on to a mirror. It's loaded with dry-ice and handfulls of bud-trim and small buds. I need the...
  11. chambone13

    Hermies?? or am I o.k.?

    Here's the deal. I have 30 huge plants,( diff strains),with mega huge buds. Some are the size of ears of corn. Great right?...Well, while trimming buds, I noticed what appeard to be a seed. Sure enough, i located , just a couple seeds, in a few of the buds. Only a couple of the total plant...
  12. chambone13

    Accidental light exposure - please help with info

    Thanks howhigh....I will sleep better now.
  13. chambone13

    Accidental light exposure - please help with info

    Here's my situation....Last night, my partner left the FLOWER room door open by mistake. This is a "basement" operation and has pretty much complete darkness at night. The FLOWER room lights go off at 10pm nightly and he left around 7pm. My concern is this....There are 30 very healthy plants...